Out of country work ??

Would you guys ever consider working out of the country in a US controlled area to rebuild ?? I have an offer I dont know if I want to take it or not…

In Iraq? No, I wouldn’t do it, but if I weren’t married, I’d consider it…be a great way to make ALOT of money in a relatively short time period.

Yeah for either location starting rate is 9600-15500 tax free a month … thats a lot of cash … plus the provide the vehicle and housing/food. Again in a US controlled area to build systems for businesses for a 2 year contract.

I want to try and work outside of the country when i get out of school for the great money and the experience

realistically ask yourself why they are paying you like 300% over the cost of the work in the US and then re-think.

i know two guys through a connection of co-workers and consultants that were killed wiring telecommunications in ‘safe us controlled areas’

there is a reason why a 40k a year job gets paid 160k a year over there.

same respect… it’s money.

if you go steve make sure you can carry a weapon, but for 15000 a month I would lean toward yes

But was that outside work ??? I will be inside building cross-connects via laptop…

HAHA sam i would just buy one over there asap .

I worked in Taiwan on one of their Nuclear reactors during elections…China was “missile testing” eight miles away.

Hindsight…not worth the money.

well man… those two examples are just deaths that occured doing the same type of thing… like swartzkof said… the one dude had a wife and a kid on the way… just sad to think about and really, the only reason he went was potential to get rich quick.

both were fibre engineers, the actual lines were run by the governmen / military and those guys were just programming the fibre channels.

right now if i had the chance yes i would.

hmm yeah I dont know what to do… just a lot of money can be made fast … but again its a 2 year contract I dont think I could just quit and go home either.

if was a sissy country like france ,canada, or new jersey id think about it but not over there. if your main go in life is to have alot of money then it a deal but if your goal is to possibly get old and enjoy the rest of your life then why risk it.

look at it this way. its only 2 yrs. when you come back not alot will be changed

granted he dont come back in 2 peices

Would just be nice to be able to bank some money and have that buffer… Damn hobby cost sooo much hahaha

If I could carry a gun and got hand to hand training… yes

for that coin it could be worth that chance. you could die going to the burgh. we take chances each day. this is a chance that will look good on his resume and will allow him to make enough bank to buy a house when he gets back. probably enought to pay in full along with pay off any other bills he may has. im guessin hes somewhat young. like stated i would in my situation

or you could strp a bomb to your chest and see how they like it when they try to snatch you…

Comments here…

I take it life circumstances are keeping you from going? Because they need people with all kinds of skills…if you’re a laborer or a desk jockey, they’ve got some need for you over there. I’m sure they’d find something to pay you a rediculous amount to do.

for that coin it could be worth that chance. you could die going to the burgh. we take chances each day. this is a chance that will look good on his resume and will allow him to make enough bank to buy a house when he gets back. probably enought to pay in full along with pay off any other bills he may has. im guessin hes somewhat young. like stated i would in my situation

If he’s young and single I say go for it…it’s not fair to your wife if you’re married.

You are taking a MUCH higher risk over there than you are living anywhere here in America. There is a real good chance you will be killed or seriously injured over there. It is still basically a warzone. The risk factor between there and Pittsburgh…is like comparing a firecracker to an atomic bomb.

I really don’t think that would do you much good; having a gun and being trained isn’t going to help when a car pulls up outside your building loaded with C4 and detonates.

Still, I would want an assault rifle for personal protection…I’d also try to blend in as much as possible by growing a beard/long hair and wearing local style clothing.

well you are like 23, you could go over there and get a ton of loot, or you could stay here and live the way you are right now… if i was in your shoes i think i would do it if
a. i got to carry a weapon, full auto with gernade launcher
b. the location i was working at had about 50 angry towel head hating americans standing gaurd
c . had my old job back when you return
d not obligated to do anymore tours of duty