would you take an overseas contractor job?

89k a year tax free. You have to put your life on hold for a year and then come back and decide if you want to do it again. I’m practically married and its a hard decision.

if your talking about iraq id have a hard time doing it, some contractors dont even get to carry guns. theres more to life than money

restricted to a military base… you can’t leave

more details

company KBR ITT halaburton

89k is kinda low. all the guys we had one base where making atlesat 100k.

but it will be tax free though

That’s a tough call, I’d have a hard time leaving my kids behind for a month, let alone a year! I’m not sure it would be worth it to me

Id go in a heartbeat.you could get shot going for a quart of milk in the north side …when its your time its your time…go make the money.

no for me


If you’re single and want to travel around, go for it.

KBR - 89k first year salary for water treatment… i have 7 years experience. I would have to pass a 3 week testing and physical course to go over. My dad is already scheduled for a flight to houston on 9-20 to go and take his test / physical.

Just wondering what there is to do in the down time since your on a base and thats it. They did say limited internet and phone.

catch motars and try to stay cool, prolly depends on where your at depending on what they have on that particular base.

my brother said there wasn’t too much to do on the base’s in iraq. Take a laptop with a lot of movies and games. :slight_smile:

No wife, no kids, I would have already been there. But in my case I would have signed up to be in the war, not just a contractor…

you bet. you just need to figure out how much that 1 year is worth to you.



Probably not. Yeah, it’s great money, but I don’t know if I could pull a year over there in the sandbox. Plus being away from my girlfriend, my family and friends with limited connectivity…rough.

not for 89k i would only go for 100k plus

also do not forget you will be in texas for 3-4 weeks and not getting paid.

you will also have to go through some millitary training. like gas chamber unless they changed it

$11,000 is the deciding factor?

Hell i’ve blown more than that in a few days in Vegas…

^^^what he said

money is not the reason to go over at least i dont think anyways

until you take the job and they guy working next to you is making 120k a year.

KBR does atleast the ones that worked with us worked there ass’s off 12hr days 7 days a week

also check and see how you get mail. might sound stupid but they might not be able to us military postal.