would you take an overseas contractor job?

I’d do it, 2x.

You would…ok I would come home with basically all of that in the bank. If I lived overseas, all of my expenses would go away.

Staying on the base makes it better, but I’d want to be able to carry a gun.

I did the gas chamber, it’s not a big deal, unless you’re a complete bitch, there’s nothing to worry about. My sinuses were clear for 3 days after that.

90k they better throw in TAX FREE for life on everything, If i return.
Including sales tax :rofl:

if do it in a heartbeat but prolly for a year max. im looking into seeing what they pay for hotel managers over seas if its tax free im game.

only tax free in a combat zone working for the military or a govt contractor

so kbr works 12 hrs a day 7 days a week? halliburton didnt have a whole lot when i looked at least nothing i’m qualified for and itt i could barely find.

they say 89k is starting salary for my position in the first year. water purification can not be that hard if i am running a reverse osmosis system even if it is on a huge scale.

an no you are not allowed to carry a weapon… if you have to leave base for work you have a military escort.

they said it s am ax of 3 weeks in houston.

That’s why I go to WalMart in Belle Vernon. :smiley:

War Profiteering = Gay.

you can make the same money in kuwait qatar baharain UAE…verry little chance of getting hurt also

the difference in ITT and kbr is pay. itt in its contract has one day off a week. also ITT you live off base rental car sat tv interent if you etc (this is if you are in one of the countries i posted)

Dude, war profiteers refers to the people that own and run the companies, not the working class individuals who go over and make money.

Sure, you could claim to take a moral stance, and not go over there, but you know what, they’ll find someone else, so you might as well cash in.

from what I understand with all the contracting jobs you don’t stay on the bases you stay in hotel’s and have to commute to and from the base everyday. I know people that do it, sometimes the contracts are only for 6 months, but people get addicted to the money, no way in hell I would do it, I already was in Saudi Arabia once…

thats true unless you are in iraq or aghanstain

i need to ask more questions before i commit.

hell fucking no.

and the war profiteering comment by noah the purdy was ridiculous, by the way. and that’s coming from me, a giant fucking liberal.

the money is nice and all, till a video pops up on youtube with you getting your head cut off on camera.