Dubai - Would you move there for work?

Serious question, would you or would you not move there for work. It would be a 5 year contract, the pay is nice. Say you are 25 and you have nothing holding you down, would you do it?


you know where im going with this.

if you are a person that can adapt to change…and have nothing holding you down…sure why not?

do it!!! I’m come and visit…

what’s the worst that can happen… you quit and come back?

hopefully you’ll be making 6 figures to start.

In a second

maybe… I’d like to visit, but not sure if I’d enjoy living there so much.

While it’s a pretty westernized place, I’d be constantly watching my back… you never know. With that said, if they paid me enough money, I’d do it in a heart beat.

I thought about this recently, a friend of mine owns a Co. in Abu Dhabi, I think it would be an awesome experience.

But making low 6 figures in Dubai means you’re poor, lol

Nope, because I value family over money. Living in Dubia taking trips home to see family would be a real pain.

I think it would have to be great money… not decent money…

if I were 25 with nothing holding me back, I wouldn’t have time to post this because I’d be on my way there.

fucking roffle at 66impala’s new custom title.

and I would, fo sure.

a buddy of mine is moving there soon.If you want I can ask him If I can give you his number and you can ask him some ?'s.He’s going over for IT stuff

How much will this help your career when you get back? making career moves for $$$ alone isn’t always wise.

5 years is a LONG time in another country.

ur not on vacation there ur working.



they forgot the “MEH” in there though.

needs to be fixed

True, but if you can go there, work 5 years and make a cool mil, you could come back and sit on it for 3-4 months while you’re looking for another job in that field. Having foreign experience is usually not a bad thing, either.

So I have come to the conclusion that the only thing nyspeed is more obsessed with than nudes, is Dubai

Move there… you wont do it

Meh, there are better jobs, financially, but Dubai is pretty bad ass. I want to work there someday.

i still am waiting for someone to post the dubai quote! lol