Amount of money to work in Kuwait/Afghanistan for a year?

How much would it take for you to consider working over seas for year?

Obviously Afghanistan pays more since its an active war zone.


That is a pretty good number. I think that the war zone would be more seeing that I would be an unarmed civilian and presumably in more danger.

You’re not just running around Afghanistan…In that case you would be on a military base.

I assumed that it was on a base… Regardless that does not change the fact that I am still an unarmed civilian.

There isn’t a number high enough for Afghanistan, on base or not.

250k tax free and I’d do it.

So its not tax free you need to be out of the US for at least 340 days in the year and only the first 90k is tax free.

only up to 82K is tax free. I believe is the number. After that is taxed.

And you never said what the job would be. I would absolutely go back.

The biggest concerns/questions are how often I get to go home. What I’m doing. Where in the country I’m doing it. What company it’s for.

I’m very familiar with a lot of the companies in both countries. Kuwait is safe and just boring as hell, to mention nothing of the heat.

For me to go right now it would have to pay a minimum of 200K/year to be worth my time away from my son. If shit is still ugly there in a couple years I’m going back for 6 month tours civilian side shooter work while he’s in school.

depends on the job, depends on the base, depends on if I can return to my existing job at the end.

250k-350k sounds about right for an IT job at a major base.

not 340 days. I’m sure it works the same as military for contractors. It goes by month and it’s up to a total of 82K in a year. That is the base pay for a command sergeant major with full time in service is where that number comes from.

Virtualization/IT stuff running projects etc

I have family who was in Afghanistan for the past year as a project manager for an extremely large project and cleared 700k

Obviously I wouldn’t make anywhere near that much and I would much rather be in Kuwait since its safer…Hell you can go work in Dubai and make 150-175k a year and that isn’t counting what they give you for living expenses.

---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------


$250k tax free sounds about right to me at least…

Look at it like spending a year in prison for $250k. Youll have nowhere to spend the money so when you get out, that bank account will look really pretty. That doesnt even take into consideration if you get vacation time and stuff like that. Im sure youd all still like to Visit Dubai someday and Asia also shouldnt be too expensive to get to. Maybe even hit up Europe.

I should probably hit up Dan Cline since he is over there right now.

And for anyone working over seas I’d love to discuss foreign banking options. I learned a lot and made some friends in the past.

---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

NM I’m thinking government workers/ gov’t employed persons.

Around here people get shipped overseas for extended assignments all the time. It usually either makes for a solid career move, or your job is gone when you get back oops. It’s not something you deserve a quarter million for unless your life is at risk. So for me:

Kuwait - 120-150k + expenses + solid promotion waiting for me when I get back

Afghanistan - No.

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Oh hold the phone. Kuwait is probably a Muslim kingdom right? So no alcohol? Tack on another hundred grand for bathtub gin supplies and legal fees.

yeah i was just gonna mention him being over there

Ilc has an awesome beard right now

lol he is going to start screaming “WIILLLLLSSSOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!” soon

FREE! i have some unfinished business over there.

Typically your are safe on a big base, nothing happens on them. A stray rocket might hit the airfield or something random, not a big deal. Go out to the small FOBs and it is a whole different world.