
Yeah but you have no threat of IED’s or suicide bombers in South Side. I lived in South Side for a year a half of a block off of Carson and never had one problem. I was held up at gunpoint in Hampton Township for my Halloween candy when I was in 7th grade, but in no way do I think Hampton is like Iraq

I don’t want to put words in your brothers mouth but I bet he saw some crazy shit in those war zones. I know my friends that were over there did. They saw shit that you will never see on South Side

point is, you can get killed no matter where you are at.

more people died bye drunk drivers in the last 10 years than US soldiers in war. this is not just the current war its all wars put together. i saw the figures and i was surprised

I don’t doubt that at all.

I am not saying that this is not true but it is surprising. I would like to see those numbers. I have seen the numbers of those killed in U.S. wars at a memorial service I attended in Washington D.C. and the total number shocked me so the number of DD deaths must be outrageous.

All I am saying is Iraq is far more dangerous then South Side. The amount of people killed in South Side in the past four years cannot even rival the number of people killed in Iraq.

And to get back on topic I would not go because I have seen the pain that my best friends mom and dad went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their lives because of Tommy’s death in Iraq. I have seen his brothers and sister struggle with the fact their big brother is dead. Me and my friends continue to struggle day to day almost 10 months later.

Here is a great article about the effects it has on the a friend.

This story was written by my sister. She lives in Fayetteville, NC where Fort Bragg is located which was Tommy’s base. She writes for the paper down there.

So I wouldn’t go because if you do not come back it has a fallout effect that will probably never end.

well just think about. there is about a average of a little over one soldier killed a day at war ( Iraq and Afghanistan). fatatlities fue to drunk driver happens every 31 minutes on average not defending it at all.

in this country there is a lot more than one person a day killed bye a drunk driver

you can’t really compare the deaths in Iraq to the deaths in the southside, that apples to oranges.

cayse the deaths in Iraq are honorable. the deaths in the south side aren’t


and the physical size difference between the two.

Yeah but I thought you said all wars which I took to include WWI WWII Veitnam Korea Revolutionary etc. Maybe I misunderstood.

If you think about it though you are still probably more likely to get killed in war, statically speaking that is. Something like 4% of our deployed soldiers have died in Iraq. Do you think that 4% of Americans die in DD accidents? The population of U.S. citizens in war zones is far less then those in the U.S. obviously. Does what I am saying make any sense. Overall the numbers may be higher but percentage I would like to see which is higher. I bet is a lot closer. I am just trying to look at it from all angles.

i DID but i didn’t do the research yet…it was just a brief example.

That is my point but Heart4Audio seemed to think that there was a comparison. When he said that there really isn’t a difference between Iraq and southside after the bars are let out.

It is a good point though for someone to consider if they are weighing the options of going to Iraq to work or to stay home and make less money

I’m pretty sure everyone here realizes your at a higher risk in a war zone. It’s just that you can get killed walking your dog, so if you want to make money and want the experience in Iraq don’t worry about it and just do it.

You’re right you can get killed just as easy here. Look at Nick Hogan’s friend who just got back from Iraq and then Nick gives him permenate brain damage riding in a car. I guess you never know what is around the corner



the best option is research. i am a Combat veterean disabled vet and a fellow fat ass now…lol…

talk to soldiers that been over there. talk to people that work for KBR. I know i was contacted bye them ITT and a few other companies. me myslef say that i will not go to Iraq to work for a civilian company.

you’re getting stupider and more irrational by the day

getting blown up by an IED or getting kidnapped and having your head hacked off cause you sold your soul to the devil to make a big, tax free paycheck is honorable?
