
I heard on the radio, that per capita, your likelihood of being murdered in DC is higher than your chance of dying in Iraq, murder/terrorism combined.

Now going with U.S. forces makes you a target which I’m sure would skew those statistics, but DC is the murder capital of the world, and you don’t hear anyone being lectured about moving there for a good job.

This couldn’t be more wrong. DC is not even the murder capital of the U.S. let alone the world. In fact the U.S. hasn’t had the murder capital of the world since the 80’s. Here I did some research.

Murder capital of the world… suprise suprise Baghdad!!!

Murder capital of the U.S. should be no surprise as well, New Orleans,2933,260742,00.html

The only place I found that rivals Baghdad is Singapore. So one of these is the murder capital of the world.

It’s not that far off…according to these sources DC retained the title in the U.S. twice in recent history.

DC was in 1998

And 2002

The latest crime statistics for Baghdad show its murder rate is lower than that of any major U.S. city – if anti-coalition attacks are discounted.

And this story shows that there are plenty of mis-quoted, mis-construed, and just plain incorrect facts about these rates being reported in the media.,2933,105954,00.html

I only believe wikipedia :D:D

One of the articles that I read and for some reason I can’t find it now said that often the Murder Capital of our Nation is often said to be the murder capital of the world when in fact it is just our nation. You obviously only read the title of the one article because even though it is titled murder capital of the world in it it says "There are bodies in lots of places in D.C.—in 2002 we earned the honor of being America’s “Murder Capital.” "

Here is the actual 2002 murder capital of the world

“if anti-coalition attacks are discounted.”
why would you discount them? They are still murders! Thats like saying Isreal is great if you discount the religious war and attacks.

Beat90TSI I just noticed your article about Bahgdad is from 2003. My article is from 2006. So it will appear that since your article came out 4 years ago things have worsened.

he is talking about being there as a soldier and dying is honorable…but the real numbers you need to take into consideration is how many contractors have died in this war, the contractors except blackwater aren’t out there fighting so to speak, they are there to do specific jobs

I will raise my virtual beer cup up to that one :beer:

fat ass disabled veterans FTW!

i heard that making up statistics makes your argument look weak.

I mean, that doesn’t even fucking sense. There’s car-bombs blowing people up by the hundreds on a daily basis in Baghdad. Last time I fucking checked that shit wasn’t going on in Washington. Pull your head out of your ass. :ugh:

The latest crime statistics for Baghdad show its murder rate is lower than that of any major U.S. city – if anti-coalition attacks are discounted.


That’s fucking retarded. If anti-coalition attacks are discounted. :bowrofl:

“that bitch was the best lay I ever had, if the fact that she gave me the HIV and her cunt smelled like rancid lunchmeat are discounted.”


And on top of that, it’s STILL bullshit.

of murders in Allegheny County 2000: 61

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) – In the deadliest single insurgent attack of the Iraq war, a suicide car bombing killed 125 people…

Allegheny county in one year: 61

Baghdad in one day: 125+


Both From Wikipedia

“Capital: Baghdad
Area: 283.4 sq mi
Population (2003) :6,400,400”

“county in the southwestern part of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. As of the 2000 census, the population was 1,281,666”

There are nearly 6 times as many people in Baghdad as there are in Allegheny county, not to mention, Allegheny county is proven to be declining in population. So first, the population could be significantly less now, and clearly there is nothing worth fighting over here. If you want to be realistic, the majority of those murders take place in a few select areas of Pittsburgh.

I didn’t say I heard it on the radio, because I made it up, I said that to qualify it since I did not know if it was true.

But in 2003, according to the Canadian Post, it was true.

But according to the U.S. Army’s latest counts, Baghdad had fewer reported murders per 100,000 population in October than even New York, which federal authorities this month declared the safest city in the United States. Baghdad’s murder rate was also significantly lower than that in Washington, D.C., which Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. Defense Secretary, is sure to note after political opponents ridiculed him for saying as much in June.

Have fun with your 15 year old lunch meat, but the fact is, Baghdad isn’t as dangerous as people think, and a few major U.S. cities are far worse, that is the result of the media machine we have in this country.

Wait until the suicide bombers start taking out buses here, then we’ll see what cities are “safe.”

When you have a foreign military occupying a nation, effectively violating its sovereignty, I think that does change things a bit. If the Communist Chinese decided to occupy the U.S. because of our high murder rates, I think plenty of citizens would be plenty upset.

I hate as much as anyone to see our troops dying over there, but what angers me most, is the fact that these sick politicians twist the whole issue around, continually changing their views, abandoning the cause of the troops, purely to gain a few more votes. Those people make me sick, and I think we would be well within the law to try them for treason.

I’m currently over there but I’m in the army making less money than that. Depends on where they put you I would go for it. right now I’m back in pittsburgh for my R&R. you can save so much money while over there.

Some really disturbing Blackwater vid’s I came across today…These guys are like no holds barred, militaristic redneck scum.

And our all knowledgeable president’s explanation…

yeah its crazy

i sent in my app to kbr for truck driver.
when they call, changing it to jeremys division

After seeing this just changed my mind

holy shit! fuck that!! :eek3:

no offense mr moderator guy, but if you think blackwater is a bunch of “no holds bared militaristic redneck scum” why don’t you join the military, that way the government wouldn’t have to contract private companies for security.

the video appears to be a run-of-the-mill recruiter video. a bunch of videos of test fires and them dicking around a little bit. it’s kinda hard to follow the geneva convention when the enemy doesn’t. especially when the geneva convention is full of a bunch of political b.s.

a majority of blackwater consists of ex-infantry/special forces military people, who decided to make more money working for blackwater, than making a measely 30k/year in the military.

Danner…plz. Let me start off by saying that I have the utmost respect for our military service men/women. I have family and best friends in the Navy, Army, Marines. I am so thankful for what they do. Lets be honest. Not all of them love it.

These blackwater guys love it. They’re the dudes that love to go shooting machine guns and pretend like they’re still in the military executing spec/blk ops missons. I went on blackwaters website and came across the job requirements. I obviously could never qualify plus I’d be the biggest mf’ing target in that sand pit.

But because I believe we shouldn’t be in Iraq to begin with and so do most American’s who aren’t joining the service to go fight Bush’s war…which is why the gov is left with no other option but to hire private contractors/mercs rather than activate a military draft. A draft would be a terrible political move…as if everything else hasn’t been? Blackwater and other ‘security’ companies are full of special interests, obviously. It’s all about money, and the Bush administration sees it as a business opportunity. As with every other issue in the United States of America. I guess moral responsibility as the world super power is non-existent? Dude, if he was a ceo of some company and managed to put it 4 trillion dollars in debt/bankrupt…You better bet your ass he’d be out on the street without a blink.

Bush has already taken away the rights and the freedom of those people. They have nothing left. They hate us so intensely that young men and children are shooting at our troops and blowing themselves up. My boy’s are seriously at end’s with having to shoot little kids, but they said ya gotta do whats right to protect yourself when they walk up to the humvee with explosives. The Iraqi’s think it’s a holy war and they have no problem committing suicide for it. Hell, I know my boys just want to make it back in one peice and get the fuck out of there. sheesh.

well BERAD there are 2 things for me to consider over the draft

first off this country is turning more liberal and want to be more like European countries with socialized health care. well those countries have mandatory military service requirements. i think the average American male thtr isn’t in the military couldn’t handle basic training and being told what to do.I feel the Americans are turning to lazy and to much of a pussy to be in a war. its easier to talk about what you would do than actually doing it.

2nd point is
i wouldn’t want to go to war with someone that was drafted and didn’t want to be there. i wouldnt be able to trust them

ERIC. If they were on our soil I would gladly fight. Don’t you think those people feel the same way? If there’s nothing to believe in then there is nothing to fight for. They believe in freedom, not US occupation. I don’t believe anything that comes out of the Bush administration and I don’t believe we should be in Iraq.

And where is who? Osama Bin Laden? :dunno: Who’s that? The focus of this war was built on falacies so there is no focus or goal. Saddam was a ruthless dictator that killed his own people. Ok. He’s dead. Game over. gtfo of there.

its nice over here… i stare at palm trees and lakes all day. sure working 12 hours a day 7 days a week sucks at first but you get used to it and well its not that bad. Plus what i get paid tax FREE as long as you do some stupid requirements. Other than that its like being at home. I have stores, restaurants, internet, gyms and all that happy shit. I don’t mind it here and it has kind of turned into a second home. If its something you want to do then go for it. You are young, you are making a ridiculous amount of money and you can see the world if you want to.

The military isn’t near a draft yet. There are plenty IRR guys and plenty of reservists/national guardsmen that haven’t been activated yet.

The government uses blackwater, because frankly, blackwater is better than our own military. All the blackwater guys have seen combat, as opposed to your typical infantry company that consists of a majority of new soldiers fresh out of training and have the potential to flip out at the first sign of combat. A good example of this is the video shaggy posted. The military convoy abandoned the kbr driver, because they got scarred and were more concerned about getting out of the kill zone, than the safety of their own convoy. I’d be willing to bet that was the decision of some butter bar lt, who is on his first deployment.

What you saw in the video is them test firing and them dicking around a little bit. our military does the same thing. everyone has to fire their weapon before going out of “the wire” to make sure it is functioning properly. You saw them test firing in the middle of nowhere, harming no one.

and yes, I don’t agree with the war either. But we are going to be there nonetheless for a lil while longer, we might as well keep our guys the safest as they possibly can. if that means contracting private organizations, then do it. I have no problem them wasting my tax dollars on paying blackwater, even if it saves only one life.

and i’m assuming hannibal that you are at a lsa or fob? lol cuz the last time I was there I was at an op, and I had none of those luxuries.

oh and a side note… it’s not danner damn it. my sn is my initials, so help me god if someoen calls me danner, i’ll shank him/her.