does she spit or swallow?

It still blows my mind that for a boob man you decided to date an A cup…

Same boring sex for 4 years? He’s probably got a goomah.

And for the record, I’ve blown it everywhere possible in/on a girl…one of my favorites is in her ass, and then to watch it come back out.

Ehh, they looked decent in a bra… I can’t be too picky like some players :frowning:

small boobs FTW! :number1

my excuse for asking my ex (who was a virgin before me) to blow a load in her mouth was “i dont wanna make a mess” well that worked but the dummy would get up and go spit it out while i lay there like a idiot waiting for her to rince out and grab a bottle of water

:wtf :clap

wow can we see a pic of u ?


and every girl ive been with swollows…theres was 1 or 2 serprizes…girls i thought wouldnt but did …

im thinking the same thing

+1. I’ve only had one that hasnt and I was shocked. I didnt think that was an option anymore.

i like eating the poon early in the morning and then waking up again later with the scent of poon on my upper lip. :slight_smile: gets me through the day.

no nudz:rofl and sex is not boring for me, I keep it interesting and different each time lol

i dont want nudz . just to see u so i know when i see u around i can say hi

plus 1,oh and mine needs to give brain so i can tell ya fuckin whore all she wants tio do is fuck…but a x of mine had braces well when i blew ma shit she choked it ran out on her shirt and stuff she ran out of thebedroom wit wit no pants on wit nut all over her and pibes in her braces

Werent you afraid of her cuttin your shit up with those braces?

i was fresh outta jail ,i woulda fucked travs mom at that point

Heres the link to my pic on myspace :


its private cant see it,unless ya add me

you went to jail? for what?

a lot of things…drugs ,dwi,and another accident that was blamed on me

whoa …lets not get crazy here