does she spit or swallow?

I guess I did it to myself posting that pic.

Ive only tried one other thing once but to me it was more fun. More expensive though.

You should know better than to post a pic of yourself on shift paul lol

Oh well. You guys all know what I look like anyway. No beauty queen for sure.

Hard to believe that PJB would do anything illegal. Wild side I guess.

Nice avatar!!

Thanks. Check your PM’s. I guess we need a walk thru on how to set up the pop ups.

I had a blank PM from ya…idk if there was suposed to be something in there or not…:wierd

WTF guys?

Figured it out, just go to edit options under user CP.

i like the avatars

It’s because we love ya, brah!

Very nice sir:clap

Much better!

Now Im really scared. Youre telling me you love me and we all know how much you love anal.
Im very afraid.

To be honest, i’ll kiss my girlfriend after she blows me, i dont give a fuck. Best thing ever was last night we had sex, she was hammered and i blew a load on her, she fell asleep so i took advantage and had sex with her when she was barely awake and blew a load on her again, cleaned her up, went to sleep and the next morning she thought we only had sex once. I’ll be honest, the second time i was only in it for myself

God dam, I love it when chicks get REALLY drunk.

why didnt ya put it in her ass

i cant fit it in there, and i wasnt about to wake her up anyways

hahahahahaahha thats hilarious

i hate it when my girl gets drunk, shes a fucking mess, to me its unattractive, thats why it was better the second time haha