Dog In back of a EVO



shit my dog eats a lot of stuff but at least he doesn’t shit on stuff he destroys

the dog got an upset stomach from being in the car. Shit Happens

shaggy licks balls.

BV is non-existent in mexico

Bring me back Cigarettes? :sadwavey: :x:
i’ll wire you money :wink:

WOW holy CRAP :rofl:

now that is a load of crap!

If something ever comes in like that down at JJ’s I sure as hell wont clean it sam can do it dog hair in a car is bad enough.

What can you do shit happens.

wow… my dog gets car sick but she has learned to stick her head in a bucket… i am so glad she does not do that

The chick got freakin pumulled HAHAH no thats some shit that just happens…The owner of the dog should be shot…Why the hell would you let your dog in the back of a bad ass car?!? Sucks but serves him right

yes, hair is the worst, but i could clean that stuff up anyways. just gloves and a respirator and my handy dandy thermax machine. :naughty:

At least it was in an evo. :naughty:


Ok…this is too good of a story not to pass along. Here is how the day in the life of bdiddy went this beautiful day.

Early in the day I called the groomer to see if I could get Fonzie (110lb shepherd I inherited from the late great Paul Mumford, “PMUM” a good friend of mine) into the groomers because he needs a bath, I’m not doing it….I’m a man of leisure. So I get some little vixen on the other line that says I can bring Fonzie in right now, as they have an opening. So I ask the Spaniard, which for now we’ll call the Spaniard…err…my wife to take him to the vet in her SUV. She agrees and heads out the door like a good subservient wife.

About 10 minutes later I get the call…”uhhh…I just did something in the car you told me to NEVER do, I put gas in it.” Her SUV is 1 of 400 Volkswagen V10 Twin Turbo Touareg Diesels they imported. Gas probably doesn’t work well in it. So I give her the 1-800 number for dumb people who put gas in a $65,000 diesel SUV…ie, VW roadside assistance and hang up.

A few moments later it registers that she has Fonzie in this thing, and won’t start it because the invoice to flush it will only get larger if she does. So I call her back, get the station she’s at and head out to get him in the Evo. (448AWHP by the way) I pick up the stinky bastard and I complain the entire way to the groomer. I then head home with hair and slobber still flinging around in the back seat. I’m really particular about my car, but dead friend’s dog comes first. Nor am I too pleased about petrol in the diesel.

So a couple of hours later I get the call, “Fonzie is done”.

So I call the Spaniard. Hmmmm…she doesn’t seem to be taking my calls. Strange. Could it be all the baaaaaad things I called her when I picked the dog up? Nahhh.

OK, so I’ll just pick my 6 year old twins up from school, take them to dinner and head over for the Fonze.

I pick Fonzie up and he’s cleaner than my kids, who by the way are stuffed into that plush leather Sparco seat you see in the picture, with one belt over the two of them. So 10 minutes into the drive home and about ¼ mile from my house Fonzie starts going crazy in the back seat. HE WANTS OUT.

I yell at him to settle down, but he’s having nothing to do with it. Then he starts to climb out the rear half opened window, and as he stands on the armrest on the back door he strategically places his paw on the window control. It starts down and he starts out…

Not wanting him to scratch my paint the struggle ensues. I began to wrestle him with one arm and I drive with the other…I’m only 100 yards from the house, and inadvertently honking the horn with my right elbow, as I hold him with my left arm.

Then the words that are forever etched in my brain, “Ewwww, daddy! What smells??

I pull in the drive, the Gas-Pumping-Spaniard is waiting next to her rental in front of Casa De Whitey because of all the honking going on in this normally quiet hood. I leap out of the car and yell…DON’T LET THAT DOG IN THE HOUSE!

Spaniard replies, “why?” as the dog (fearing a beating) rips past her onto freshly cleaned carpets done the day prior.

I handled this all very well. I went in the house for an hour while the car sat in the dark, and still not knowing of the damage. I gather up the digital elph and head out for a flash pic. WHOA!!!

I took the seats out after checking the photo, threw them in the street by the curb. Left the car sitting doors open all night. Somebody has to steal that pile of crap! Nope, daylight came and all is status quo. The end result?

$450 to pump out $65 worth of GAS that some VW tech probably ran through his neon’d up Sentra.

$50 for a dog grooming that was clean for exactly 20 minutes in my possession and now smells much worse than when I took him in.

$600 for re-upholstered seats (in leather to match the front, as I said…I’m a man of leisure)

Crap prints on about 3 sq ft on otherwise pristine carpet.

THAT dog is staying around for a LONG time, I’ll need a lot of time to plot a revenge that is worthy.


im not reading all that.

then dont

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

cliff notes

dude is tard