Dollar General

You can find expired food in most stores. It is still illegal to sell. I’m sure they just didn’t know it had expired.


moms be gettin me doritos in cans from the dollar store along with a can of slim jims.

HAHAHA…ok well I can get you a whole case of cans of Doritos and we don’t have cans of Slim Jims but we have boxes…will that do? LOL :slight_smile:

Those dollar stores need to start selling condoms !!!

i thought the quarterback was responsible for the condoms…


what’s a condom??? :confused:


lori belley!!


DG owns when it comes to tp, deodorant, any cleaners, batteries, etc… very cool

TP, yeah i love their vast selection of tampons also

Triple penitration???

Teradactoral Procropaltion???

Twofortys Penis