Dollar General

I went into the one on route 51 right by primantis today. it is officially the greatest store on earth, i usually buy all my shit at giant eagle. I got some right guard deordorant for 2 dollars, at GE it is 3.99. Suave shower gel 2.50, at GE it is 3.50. Everything is so much cheaper, i saved so much money. i used to hate on dollar stores but im realizing i saved about 10 bucks on the same stuff if i would have bought it at GE or shop n save. :bigok:


just tryin to look out for my fellow pittspeed pals :boink:

dollar general now has turbo kits and body kits coming too.

great place to buy presents for people too.

check out the “its a buck” stores… everything in there is a dollar. They have black magic tire wet, all kinds of spray paint, Turtle wax, armor all, shop rags, and sometimes have decent groceies and bathroom supplies.

i got me some eagle 1 wheel and tire cleaner at biglots for $1.49 gotta love them

That Mean Green cleaner at Dollar General is some good shit… Works awesome for cleaning brake dust off of wheels, and getting bugs off of paint…

I goto Giant Eagle because I save money on gas :moon:

they sell amsoil , performance and refill Nos to…

just picked mine up today lol:hsdance:

:bsflag: I got the last on them and sold them on ebay last night.


the guy Who Owns Kiefer Coal Company is a dealer for AmSoil

I heard the reason everything is so cheap there is because the stuff that has an expiration date is expired when you buy it. :dunno:

Well then, check the date :bash:

actually… I think that’s illegal. If it has an expired date the FDA won’t let anyone sell it. I think most of their food is just off brands from mexico or something… but their bathroom stuff is really cheap. laundry detergent… window cleaner… on and on.

go to my webpage: that is not there just to look pretty …

every product in the dollar tree and the dollor general are from berwick pa and usexpress trucking haul’s it there … yes i know what company hauls it casue my brother worked for usexpress and was on both accounts …

their shit is expirered. my fiancee, was gonna buy frozen food there once, and half the shit they had was expired.

actually, no…I am a manager at the huge dollar tree in lower burrell and we dont get expired food. And actually we get a lot of brand name stuff that you would never think would be a dollar. And our store is soooooo much better than dollar general. We have some of the exact same stuff they have there for $1.50 for $1.00