I was out with my mom and i saw these!
Subaru Impreza 03´WRC, Calsonic Skyline GT-R.
There are apprently a whole bunch, like EVO VII, Supra, NSX, peugot.
They only make these WRC or GT cars. At the store there was also the Peugot 206, i’ll get it later.
Heres the kicker, they were $2.50. You build the chassis and fit this little motor it comes with in it. Put the body on and sticker it up! Throw in 2 batterys and it goes in a straight line. Apperantly you can get adapters to put a remote control reciever and controller and go that way, but it doesnt turn.
Coolbeans! :thumright:
November 28, 2004, 8:16pm
The question is: WTF were u doing at the dollar store? :shock:
no no, the question is what where you doing NOT in a dollar store!
My mom and sister went to the pharmacy and it was connected, so i wandered around.
you can find crazy stuff there.
lol my sister gave those out as loot bags for her birthday
The dollar store is great for zip ties and sweat tarts!! Just ask Bing!
November 28, 2004, 9:49pm
no no, the question is what where you doing NOT in a dollar store!
My mom and sister went to the pharmacy and it was connected, so i wandered around.
you can find crazy stuff there.
Nice find nikkiboi…Jantos shut up about nik’s sister…hahahaha…still way to funny :lol:
man those are some deep dish rims. nice offsets too.
good find for a dollar store. usually all that’s in there is crap, especially in the toy section.
November 29, 2004, 3:58am
That’s where I get my bag of zipties. True story.
November 29, 2004, 4:05pm
hahaaha silver dolla holla!
my friend hits up the doller store at fairview and the packaging is still on the shelf the next week where he swipped this gag toy thing.
it made me laugh so hard
November 30, 2004, 6:58pm
What makes me laugh so hard is the fact that your boy had to steal from the dollar store…
November 30, 2004, 7:44pm
he does it for the sheer amusement.
he does it to make us all laugh that he steals from the dollar store and yet he lives in a 3 million dollar plus house…
December 1, 2004, 7:40am
Wow… now i am thinking your buddy is just an asshole…
God… i wish i had a 3 million dollar house… i’d sell it… move to a apartment, and import skylines all day lol.