Domessick guys BWW/cruise 11/28

haha :word: my f1’s are all over the place even on a good hit into 4th :wink:

what time is this going to happen if everyone goes…

i might be out but im an import guy ahhaa

dont u bitches cry about traction…im on marks street tires…i dont even know what the are…but they suck…:lol: sorry mark…

im leaving for the chook house now

I’ll be out tonight, where is everyone going to meet?..let me guess Mighty?

I’ll probably be out…716.548.8228

Free Hood Ride’s anyone :shrug:


I went there to eat. Didn’t even know anyone was meeting. Whos silver TA was it reving in the parking lot? Sounded good! (SLP Loudmouth?)

HAHHAHAH Good Point I agree:gay2:

nice running into a few fast fawkers tonight :tup:

:lol: they are kumho somethings, I duno. Ive daily driven slicks since 04, those street tires are just for show :wink:

I woulda come out yesterday but I passed out early, doh

Go take your slow POS and die in a fire thanks…