donating member

hey i redid my membership sunday night and was wondering how long it takes to take affect ?

couple days usually.

ummm…i was hoping some1 that ACTUALLY knows this answer would have responded like a admin or mod


you’re all set

thank u sir :wink: … and it was nice meeting u to btw at JJ’s

you too man!!!

take care of that leg and get yourself back to being mobile again… although being chauffeured in a typhoon isn’t that bad of a deal!

i’m working on it, but being cooped up in the house this whole time and more to come being on homebound is driving me :nuts: tho…:eek4:

LOL, hell no that part of the deal ain’t bad at all :bigok:

u just want to look at the porn on the site

:wink: … maybe…lol…

there is porn on the internet?