
I’m not changing it anymore. The mesh breaks up the black and like I said its not as bright as you think. Infact its not even chrome. Its a dull silver. Its the lighting that makes it stand out liek that (Sun was shining and the flash was still going off. As for the drop it already has a Eibach prokit on it with Konis which dropped it about 1.7 from the inital height. If I drop it anymore I won’t be able to get out of my driveway, and the ride will be unbarible (its bad now with the 18’s and 40 series tires.

Only body changes on it between last year and this, was the ass end.

gee no pic of my work!:sad:


(edit - found the under car shot)

what. no stickers?! :wink:

cool wheels. looks good

Love the new rims, and the rear spoiler is MUCH better than the wing…clean lookin!