nice car Bill, when will i see it without the engine on the ground because every time i’m there you have the motor out
did those come turbo stock? is that the stock turbo?
looks like a stock SS, whats all the hype about?
great job bill :tup:
Glad to see it out of the shop! I wanna ride! :tup:
god damn, I’m so glad this is done, the shop can finally get CLEANed up! lol.
Bill has more time and effort into this build than anyone can imagine. It’s going to rock the house.
Good luck with those drag radials, cause they aignt gonna last long…
So which one of you wants a shot at the liters bike… the 5.7 liters bike?
It needs to be tuned… but would make for some great video. Fitty roll?? If I start any lower I hit a wall @ 90 and then have to get back into it.
:tup: Bill… clean clean clean
why did u paint ur car blue man…black is best for F-bods
haha…JDM cobalt FTW!
so i just realized that i still have your ring compressor…i feel like a complete ass…please text me when i can drop it off…i’m sorry dude…it completely slipped my mind.
thats a huge turbo… looks great!
Looks pretty intense.
Thats a nice looking alternator bracket.
congrats man. i remember you working on this when i was with paul and ken last summer.
beautiful machine
definitely some impressive work going on there.
mmmm had the honor of seeing this bad mama jama in person…good christ im pretty sure i came about 4 times… :tup: to bill and his team!
thanks guys
that thing is a sleeper, if i saw you comin id be looking forward to another bashing of a stock camaro
the amount of detail that went into every little piece of this car is unreal.
Nice work