This fuckin thing is just insane. When Chuck hit the gas you really couldnt see anything on the side of you , it was a total blur. Not to mention the fact that your stomach literally feels like its being pushed on by someone. I didn’t like it at all…
Sounds like a genuine animal. You and camarojoe oughta do a photoshoot! :skunk:
yeah we had a horse team run a cross-country cable so we could turn our lights on. The problem is that we were scaring the people with the gas-powered euipment
hahah, I am serious tho, he cant get cable run up there, luckly he can even get a phone.
but hes off vandermark in the hills, a bit more remote than in the city.
i know its pretty scary when the “woodchucks” come into the dealership (insert twanger music)
they play twanger music at mahogany ridge, haha
i forgot to officially say the garage motto…and its true…