Dont bang your picnic table

Its illegal

like, the umbrella pole hole?

heard about this freak on s&r and o&a. now we have a mugshot for this weirdo.

yeah apparently using your hand is passé these days

i would have to imagine, how else would he?

and he even was nice enough to bring it home once awww… lol

At least he was kind enough to clean up after himself.


charges were dropped

Have at it!!


stupid shit, he lives right by a school

If some sicko cant get laid, a picknic table is a much better choice then a kid.
Someone should give him an award.

Did he get any splinters? Wow.


brrr. shrinkage.

i stacked up 4 of these at alegany and made the biggest fucking fire ever =)

I’d hit it.

Check out that ass.

gotta hand it to him for at least being inventive. What the fuck is this guy’s thought process? Is he just flipping burgers one day when he turns and looks at his table and a little light bulb pops up? “HEY!!! I CAN FUCK THAT!!!”…or did he one day just decide that his hand wasn’t good enough, so he went on a hunt for objects to fuck? i want to know what he was thinking.

You know what the sad part was? That table was only 8 yrs old.

lol. Heard that on S&R.

he must like em big to decide to fuck a metal picinic table.

It must have been winter time when he brought that fine peice of aluminum in the house to have his way with.