Don't confuse GranMassaX

fuckin Sport Island Pub FTW!!! :crackup :crackup :crackup I work there it is descent food but FUCK THAT PLACE!!!


So then don’t post it :ponder

he starts with “FTW” then says “FUCK THAT PLACE”… so I have no idea if he is suggesting to go there or not.

Joeys mommys nachos are the shit. :nod

hhhhheeeeellllll yyyeahhhhh

it was more just a joke than anything…douche

jokes are funny, that wasn’t even close… boner

did u really call me a boner?? cuz that i must admit is pretty damn funny…if ur like 5


5 year olds don’t even know what boners are… you fail again.

wow what a fuckin comeback assclown

was more of a fact then an attempt at a comeback, but whatever you say bud :idiots

if you are gonna knock my comeback abilities then you should at least come up with a good one yourself… you obviously suck at everything. Stop embarrassing yourself

yeah good point…sorry we can’t all be as cool as the GranMassa of gettin raped in the Assa…

this seriously could be the lamest attempt at making fun of someone I’ve ever seen. it’s going in the quote of honor thread :crackup


Did you miss how lame your original was?!


whatever the point is the guy is a fuckin douchebag reagardless…

Im only a douchebag to morons like you