yelp… i had a few last night :frowning:

I like cherry wheat and summer ale. Most Sams give me the bitter beer face.

cherry wheat makes me sick, too sweet for my liking

I enjoy almost all their other drinks though :jam:

Lol good that beer sucks ass anyways, they should just keep it there and do us all a favor.

What is your beer of choice, Kev? Genny Creme Ale?

genny light.

You hick!! :wink:

Chimay> all except maybe Duval it depends on what you have…

God I love beer made by monks =)

uh oh I drank a 6 of white ale saturday night…


Man Law: Don’t fruit the beer!

Try Hoegaarden Belgian White that shit is delicious.

Man Law: Don’t fruit the beer!

And we haven’t been drinking together why???

Oh fuck you for reminding me of that. :mouthwatering:


fixed for truth. i hate cherry wheat.

octoberfest is king.

id rather have a white ale than a blue moon, but this is the first spring that ive tried white ale and ive been drinking blue moon for a while. i just dont like having to pour the blue moon so carefully so as not to get the shit (yeast?) in the bottom of the bottle, in my glass. sam adams filters their white ale.

Please stop talking about Sam’s Octoberfest because it won’t be around again for a long time and that makes me sad.

thats blows but kinda good i got becks instead of sam adams but then again my buddy bought a case of winter ale that i started drinking cuz becks blows ass…

I have 1.5 cases sitting @ 52*


Although, I haven’t done a ‘quality check’ in a while.

I had to drink molson tonight, very dissapointed :frowning:

I was at the store and was scared to buy sams lol

ive heard of that, ive been wanting to try it.

I was drinking Sam last night. So far so g