Don't Fuck with the Admins! They're drunk and have guns and shit! - Long read

wow, nice.

OMG this was epic :rofl

Just watched it too, def Epic!


Just grabbed the laptop last night from the Police Dept. I’m making an image of it for future use and then I’m gonna post up my findings after I restore some of the deleted data I’m sure is on here!

Bahahahah! So awesome! Awaiting pics!

SO now I go through the computer looking for deleted files. Hmm let’s see what this little faggot was doing…

Keylogger is how i figured out my whore exwife was cheating on me. filthy slut. hahaha

WIN! Great job dude!

Doesnt it piss ya off though, that A the cops would NEVER have gotten your laptop back, even if they arrested him somehow else, they wouldn’t be checking asset tags and shit on stuff in their house. and B even after you did ALL the leg work it still takes them, in the nick of time too, weeks to actually go get them. Understaffed, spread thin… my ass, they need better time management. Your shit could have gotten squashed the first night if they wanted to.

Same shit with my car, WE did all the lag work and caught them, and even the cops said no way would they have ever caught them without our handy work.

Same shit with the dirtbike I got stolen, I am the one doing the leg work and so far I got nothing on it… out $3000 for sure on this one.

Everything I own now is locked down tighter than Miley Cyrus now.

Yeah, man, key loggers, and theft recovery jamz are the way to go for sure. No matter what the reason, and the one from Indy is the best!

I’ll tell you what tho, you should absolutely be doing as much as you can to get your stolen property back. I will admit I didn’t have a great feeling about getting this baby back. I know sometimes there is better shit to do than track down a missing laptop. Seriously though, how do you track this shit when it happens 800 times a day? Meh, I guess it came back and that’s all that matters.

Oh and here’s a little piece of awesome from the ‘schenectadywonderboy’ himself!:rofl

Hey there faggot! Hope you like bracelets!:rofl

Also, not there was a massive amount of deleted web history that i recovered when I ran my software. Hmm, guess what it all was? OH, that’s right you guessed it… PORN!

Oh man you got black spunk on your laptop. KILL IT WITH FIRE

Seriously, that’s fucking gross.

crazyness! im telling you dude… we gotta put fishing string on one and set it out back and just wait!

Glad you got your laptop back. I definitely don’t miss living in Schenectady.