IT guys, virus at work rant

Alright for you tech guys…

Have any of you come in contact with “Trojan.Win32.Pakes”

This is the most intrusive little fucker I’ve ever dealt with. First off I want to know what the asshole did to get this thing because I would think you would really have to try to get something like this.

It had charecteristics almost like the MSBlaster virus a few years back.

When booting vista normaly, a “Vista has encountered a problem and will restart automaticly in one minute” my boss thought it was a hardware issue as no previous virus issues have been a problem with this guy, he coudlent figurte it out and gave it to me.

Only way to boot was in safe mode, any real time virus/malware scanner i had would close out and become inacessible including combo fix which has been immune to something like this I had before.

Every boot time scanner I had at the time wasnt detecting a damn thing and well basicly I was in a hole.

Found an F-Secure disk i burried in the bottom of my desk and gave that a shot and finaly after 6 hours of scanning it got rid of the little fucker.

Anyways just wanted to see if you guys have gotten anything like this…

Can’t say that I ever dealt with that one… Glad you got rid of it though…

Never had to deal with that one…

Nope. Never seen it.

Well watch out for it…

Its a sneaky little fucker

I’ve been dealing with the worst one ever, been at it several years and still haven’t fixed it. End users.



Ahh made my day