Some fools Robbed the Z32 on christmas eve

So its christmas day , and im eating dinner at my homie lawrences house with his family. I get a Text from the owner of Evans race products where i used to work , i get told that theres bad news and the 300 was broken into , so i finih dinner and get on the wire , calling suspects with previous history of being shady, and let them know that i want info or i go ape shit, so wiht out any hesitaion, 4 or 5 people tell me this character sergio sousa from cambridge is involved, hes being tring to recruit these guys to help him, now this is where it gets interesting , this guy was a good freind of mine at one point , he actually gave me the amps that were in the 300 as a present.

So i get in the car and my freinds say there not letting me go by myself cuz i have a violent temper , so i say ok , we get to serges house , and his mom says he’s sleeping, so i told her to go wake him up, shes goes and come back and says hes sleeping and she cant get him up cuz he never came home till like 5:30 in the morning ,ok. So my boy comes around the corner , scary Jamaican dude, and says to her "listen Maam ur gonna get ur son to the front door or i am coming in your house and getting your son , if u bring him out im gonna talk to him , if not i am gonna pull im out by his ears " oddly enough she goes and gets him , he comes out shakeing , so we ask him why hes shaking, he say cuz hes fucking tired , so we ask him where he was , he said out with family , but his mom told us earlier she didnt know where he was , so blah blah blah and whole bunch of BS we said lets go for a ride ,

We take him to the shop to the car, he pays me gas money , so we start talking to him and he keeps lying to me , and i know hes lying cuz i know the guy, so someone there ends up smashing the guys head off the cars roof, and then scary jamaican dude takes over , puts him in the 300 and starts yelling at him at this point serge is cring like a baby, i look over and kid is taking off his jewlery , im told to come get it , and this is where it gets bad, kids given 3 chances before fingers start coming off, well needless to say he got brave and says fuck u then take my finger, so with swift swing of a knife i hear screaming, and see a half way cut off fingerand a bunch of blood everywhere, and then were promised a stereo back in 6 hours, the alpine T.v. deck , 2 memphis amps, and the boost controller. It never comes, fool is hiding.

Dec 27.
i start to get pissed off, we visit home again, this time the owner of the car and a different freind go to talk to him, needless to say we take off cuz my freind got rough, we go to the shop and cops come, i get arrested and charged with robbery and possestion of stolen goods under 5000, the cop said its only cuz i wont give up my crazy buddy… blah blah blah cant get the stereo… but it will show up i guarantee

holy crap. :o

Wowzers - that is pretty extreme.

i don’t see anything extreme.

i’ve heard worse like a person’s hand get chopped off in a net cafe for playing stupid in a computer game (counter strike).

neways back on topic, hope you get your shiz back and hopefully the charges will be dropped.

shit did you dent the roof of the z32?

Should have shown the cops your Ricer Cop Badge. :o

hopefully none of the blood is in the car

hope u get your shiz back

didnt dent the roof of the 300, she made from thick glass, , thank god the WRPD had a bery low forensices budget, and gonad the ricer cop badge didnt work , but i will say this is the first time i havent had the cops treat me like crap,

Edit : aslo , talking to my dads buddy, a staff sergent, the detective that was omterveiwing us was part of the OCGD, organized crime and gangs division, the kid told the cops were are part of a ring of drug dealers and part of something much larger. yay back to getting followed by the flower van, last time they did that my mom took them some hot coffe, then they

To bad you posted this online, imo, delete the thread.

already been charged for this shit bro , wtf thety gonna do charge me agian? i didnt do shit to the guy an he already said that to the cops. im only posting what has alreay been told to them by the kid , so thanks for looking out but im not as stupid as u think, the cops even toldme the only reason i got charged was cuz i wouldnt rat

Fair enough, didn’t mean to sound condesending…

good for you hector, i bet your stuff will show up soon.

i think you did the right thing


i especially like how you are having difficulty finishing your posts, it adds authenticity to the drama.

he half cut off some guys finger mother f*ck man! that is the craziest shit ever! but i can see where you are coming from so. shoulda cut it right off. be able to identify him easier. as for the blood. what did it get on?. and the charges just tell them you left with the guy and u went home in a different car and they got in a different car and you dont know what happened after that. they cant prove that you were even there. his word against yours. its hearsay, get a good lawyer. and make sure that this guy gives ur shit back.

i edited part of it bro, i jus took to much off, i was in a rush , i just didnt want to say something rude about our freinds in blue