I made the mistake of giving steelcity6 a ride. Or should I say attempt to give him a ride seeing that I didn’t even make it out of his driveway when this happened. Needless to say the um weight was too much and I ripped off the exhaust on the sidewalk. Oh and he didn’t break it in two, its in three pieces

Looks like that rusty POS was bound to fall of regardless of who rides in the car. :smiley:


Yeah I know but he definately finished it off. It was so funny I cried

I want my 30 seconds back

If you know joe you’ll find it funny.

Damn, that’s too bad…

…too bad the whole car didn’t catch fire after the exhaust fell off, with JimmaY in it.


donkey kong strikes again!!

is that a coat hanger lol?

Thats a 100 mile hour coat hanger I had to use to hold up the cat after it broke.

there is a point…to where you fix shit on cars when it gets rusty…that there my friend…is way beyond that point…STOP BEING CHEAP

yah he does give you that 3" drop effect when he gets in the vehicle.

wow man that car needs some help

Ah yes Steve I do apologize for the unfortunate circumstances…however…
We know that car has hauled more weight than that. I was at the club that night
I dont think it was me It was the troll in the trunk


to bad he didnt rip that stupid ass body kit off also…

Yeah, Donkey Kong is a lowering kit in a seat.
