Don't Mess With The Zohan

Anybody seeing this? looks funny as hell.

omg u think it looks funny??

it looks fucking horrible

adam sandler sold out years agoo… his movies fucking blow now

That movie looks painfully terrible, IMO.

the previews make me want to gouge out my eyes and have kimbo punch me in the ear

Yeah. It looks straight up awful.

I dunno…from some of the clips I’ve seen it looks pretty funny. :gotme: Although I love Adam Sandler so…



I think it looks hilarious and will be seeing it.


I don’t knock other people for their opinion on a movie, but Adam Sandler has far from sold out.

Go watch Reign Over Me, and come back and comment.

I’ll rent it from Netflix when I’m struggling to find something to put in my queue.

And I have a feeling it will be one of those I burn a copy of and send back because I don’t feel like watching it, then when I finally watch it I’ll end up throwing the copy away after scratching the hell out of it to ensure no one else would ever be subjected to it. Just a hunch.

adam sandler hasnt sold out?

dear god look at his last 5 movies

i wish i had imdb or i’d go through each one and review how pathetic they were

Click, Reign Over Me, and I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry we’re all good movies IMO. Spanglish I never saw so I can’t comment on that one, but I did hear mixed reviews on it.

Obviously he’s getting away from movies like Billy Madison, Airheads, Happy Gilmore etc. because he’s no longer in his 20’s.

If your basis on his downfall is simply he has changed his style of movies, dear god I’d hate to see who your favorite actor/tress’ are and see how they have evolved with age.

I have never Not laughed at a sandler movie.

50 first dates? you laughed in that?? ouch

spanglish - garbage
click- garbage
reign over me- haven’t seen will rent
50 first dates- omg garbage
anger management- garbage
little nicky- speaks for itself
Punch-Drunk Love- garbage

and i don’t hate adam sandler… he cud still be funny… but his shit is so corny b/c he obv. doesn’t turn down any offers he’ll act in any pathetic movie

i mean b4…

billy madison- fucking great
happy gilmore- one of my top 5 fav. comedy’s easily
waterboy- greatness

big daddy and waterboy were his last good movies


Honestly it looks like something Rob Schneider would have done but the couple previews look funny.

He was smart and passed it up.