Don't Mess With The Zohan

meh…typical adam sandler movie post billy madison/happy gilmore…

i would only go to see it because emmanuelle chriqui is in it…HOLY BONER!

he would have sounded exactly like he did in big daddy.

I think Adam Sandler needs to try a serious role, a drama or something. He’s been in some shit like that hasn’t he?

Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are epic, but since that beginning it’s been hard to pin down exactly what he does. Movies like this are just bastardizing his early stuff.

I would rather watch ANY Adam Sandler movie over a Will Farrell movie.


Although old school was decent.

Looks awful. But then again I have a fascination with awful B movies. However this isn’t a “B” movie and likely has a large budget.

Ya. As a supporting actor he has funny parts but as the lead role, I cant stand him.