They will eat you.
awesome :lol:
Wow, that is a sick sick disguisting ass.
I think I see a friend of mine in one of the pics though lol.
I didn’t even notice I got her ass. I really wanted to avoid that.
dyc nurses > *
I have a friend in the PA program there. She’s teh cutes
(This is Brian’s girlfriend, not Brian.)
I’m in a few of those pictures. It was an awesome day. But I’m not a nursing student-- They are making cuts in many more places than just nursing.
The Niagara Gazette decided to tear our protest up in one article, and praise it two other articles.
I wrote this after, but I’m sure nobody listened:
The problem with protesting academic integrity during school hours is that it shows you actually don’t care much about your education.
You want to start a stink? Make a poster about what the respective faculty members has taught you or helped you with. Make it known that without that faculty member you wouldn’t have the knowledge base that you have today. Provide the administration with a reason to find a way to keep these people. This doesn’t provide a good reason.
People with purple hair disspell any belief of credibility. They should be banned from “protesting.”
Obviously if the nursing faculty taught anybody anything about health they wouldn’t be 100 pounds overweight and smoking at such an event. You have to embody the knowledge they are teaching, not merely consume. Notice I said “they are teaching” and not “you have been taught.” How do you tell if somebody has listened to what you said? You ask! Fatasses aren’t listening to health instructors if they are still fat.
It’s sad to see people get laid off due to a budget gap, but I haven’t been touched by the faculty. I had one as an instructor and he was okay. Nothing spectacular. Would I rate him any worse or any better than a part time faculty member? No. And that’s the big hoopla. That part timer won’t provide as good of an education. Well, that’s fine and dandy but there are some real PEACHY full time professors.
I just don’t see the logic in these protests like this. You don’t protest war by having violent rallies, and you can’t rationally protest the break down of our education by having a protest that hinders your own education. That’s called being a hypocrite.
We all know they’re going to be offered their positions back. This is a ploy to get more money from the county.
sorry goober
this does not seem to be the case.
The plan is to replace them with part timers to save some $$
They were going to be just let go, without any outcry, until "someone "started a fuss
The teachers had no involvement when it comes to getting this all together.
The real problem is that the part timers replacing the teachers do a half ass job because they get has half assed pay (i have had part timers and the make the course much easier)
I honestly only care that decent people are losing their jobs due to a fucked up nccc budget
I just want to take my course hours and run
that ass pic made me not want to eat lunch.
thank you for pointing that out.
(Brian’s Girlfriend again)
- We protested during College Hour, when the college is not supposed to have classes, but they usually do anyway. Seeing as how most of the instructors knew that we were letting the students out, they were prepared to wrap class up 15 whole minutes early, and most of the students were only a few minutes late to 12:30 classes. The idea that we “don’t care about [our] education” is absurd.
- Sorry, I can’t control people’s hair color… but I enjoy the idea of live and let live. His hair color was not affecting you in any way.
- Neither can the Nursing instructors control people’s weight. Need I remind you again that it wasn’t all nursing students there. And some people have eating problems, so don’t be a jerk to them. It’s not something that can be fixed by an instructor, especially not a Nursing instructor.
- Why rip on us for actually wanting to make a difference, and CARING about the quality of our education?
Because there are better ways to protest.
I wrote to the county. It was a lovely letter which I’m sure displayed my college-level grasp of the English language. It better have, because that was my 39 cents. Three days after sending it I got a call from a very nice lady stating that this would be passed along and it should help put things in perspective. Aha!
Now aren’t I proud of myself. I said look, Goob, we have a problem… What’s the cause of this problem? Money. Who can we get money from? The county. The state! Aha!
I don’t honestly know where people thought he was going to “cut” from. Cut elswheres…but wheres is elsewheres? This is the perfect example of conformity. A good cause is ruined by people not caring enough to view the situation objectively. A protest certainly feels like you’re doing something big. But are you really?
We are making flyers with the county legislature’s email and/or mailing addresses on them in hopes that some people will write the letters too. That was not just a protest to the president but to the county as well. We got a call from some local politician who wants to help us to make him look better, so hopefully that works out.
We are also meeting to go over last year’s budget after recieving a copy of last year’s audit, and we are waiting for this year’s budget to see what else can be cut.
I sent over 700 signatures to the county asking them to meet their end of the 1/3 they are supposed to provide.
Not everyone at the protest directed their anger correctly, I admit. BUT,
I don’t know if you were there for the end of the protest, when I said something to the effect of “you can take all the shots you want at the President, but it’s not going to change anything. We have to go to blah blah… to contact our legislature.”
So, is there anything else you want to rip on us for?
The real problem is that his friends are, well, the board of trustees. Who are quite happy listening to him and only him.
I didn’t stick around for the end of the protest. I have a buttload of lab work to get done. Imagine that…
But thank goodness they were thinking about putting up dorms, right?
True about the board of trustees part. The bottom line is that lack of funding for Education is a national problem-- schools and college everywhere are experiencing it and it is absolutely ridiculous. We can’t completely blame the President and the Board.
When we talked to the PR Director about the dorms, we found out that the only thing that will be funded by the school is the studies they conducted. Suprisingly enough, he said that the dorms must be funded independant of the school, thankfully.
I don’t, but the short term solution would be to get the money from the county.
See, and I know the dorms will be through grants and such, but it takes man power to get these grants. So this manpower could be used for something involving education.
And who would want to go there if there aren’t any good programs? Hello! 86% pass rate on the nursing board examinations much! They’d be silly to overlook that when they want to get dorms in.
I’ll agree this is complete bull shit. I really think in my heart of hearts that they will be offered their positions back, but how many of them won’t have different jobs by then? Especially the nursing faculty–they can pick up a good job anywhere.
I thought I saw a familiar face in there, I wish you luck
:cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk: :cjerk:
oh my god i just want to whomp that big red ass with a canoe paddle
haha i bet she gets fart lag