They really need to make a little dramatic film recreation of this and play it at all theaters before the movie instead of those stupid animated “please don’t talk” things.
The father stood, shielding his family, Vanore said. The argument turned physical. Cialella then pulled a black handgun and shot the father, sending others in the crowded theater running for safety, according to police. Vanore said Cialella then returned to his seat and continued watching the movie.
Oh come on. He shut the guy up with a single gunshot wound to the arm then quietly went back to his seat to finish the movie. Cut the guy a break. :lol:
Funny story to explain to people aswell
“well we were at the movies and I was being a huge tool and I wouldnt shut the hell up, thus ruining the movie for everyone because I suck so badly as an individual. When the guy confronted me about talking, I decided I would stand up and show him that I’m ready to fight instead of shutting the hell up, a hormone that aparently was absent from my gene pool when the 47th chromosone was added. After telling the guy who is growing more adjatated by my talking in the movie, that I indeed did not have to shut up, because I payed my 7$ for this movie. He had had enough with trying to reason with me, because I was obviously retarded, so he shot me in the arm. I then screamed and promptly dropped to the ground crying like the sissy little bitch I am infront of my family, because I was nto smart enough to shut the hell up.”
does anybody remember the chappelle show skit about great moments in black history with the first black man ever to talk at the movie screen. (or something like that)… lol…
Sometimes i want to shoot people in the theatre. Im still trying to figure out why people decide to see movies in groups of 10. If you need somewhere to hang out go to a fucking pool hall or something.
Im glad the guy got shot in the arm, he was obviously being a dick. Movies are too expensive for idiots to ruin them by talking through out.
I know a guy that will scare the hell out of jerks that talk during movies.
He will seriously follow the people all the way out to their car, saying “Did you enjoy ruining the movie for me you rude inconsiderate jerk” about 2inches from their face.