Jerk-offs talking during movies - How do you deal?

This pissed me off to no end. I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 last night with the gf and assumed we would be one of few in the theater as A)its Monday night B) its Halloween, so we both assumed people would be doing other things. Before the movie starts, more and more people roll in, no big deal. Here’s the seating situation which will help picture the story better.

We are in the far back row, seated in the middle below the little projection window. To our left is a white chick and a black chick sitting next to eachother(problem 1). Directly in front of us are 6-7 black people(couples, problem 2). To our far right and into the next aisle are probably under 21 white teenagers (from what I could see, problem 3). As soon as I saw this, I knew the movie would be ruined.

As the movie went on, problem 1 would not shut the fuck up. Both of these fat whores complained, criticized, and talked about every scene in the movie while asking questions thinking someone would give them an answer like, “OMG why would he open that door?!”…etc. Problem 2 were not to bad, but still talked during the movie loud enough for me to hear that Shaquina or shaquita or w/e fucking black name they call themselves wasn’t going to be at some party on Saturday night. Problem 3 were talking as well, not as loud but is was still annoying.

Needless to say I was outnumbered. It took ALOT out of me to keep quiet and not pull a George Costanza. Now I’m not racist by any means, but the stereotype speaks for itself. Black people don’t know how to SHUT THE FUCK UP in a movie theater. So far I’m 6/6 with the past 6 movies I’ve been to where this has happened.

Question is, how do you guys deal with it? Do you go call the flashlight people to attempt to quiet them? Handle it yourself and open your mouth(Curious if this was successful)? Or do you just sit by like I did and realize you just wasted 20$?

i’m going to assume this was at the galleria mall. don’t watch movies there. problem solved.

One time I turned to row of teenagers in a movie theatre and just said “yo. Shut the fuck up.” it seemed to work rather well

This is one of the main reasons I will just wait for a movie to come out on DVD. The last time I went to see a movie was the dark night, and that was how long ago? it’s just not worth the headache.

Do not frequent places that darkies do. Problem solved.

I’ve since given up on theaters more or less since it gives too many opportunities for keeping it real to go wrong when I tell people to shut the fuck up. “No way dog, you shut the fuck up…” :facepalm: Brilliant, just brilliant.

Regal at Quaker crossing is only minimally better since there is no bus line to transport the human trash like there is at the Galleria mall.

I see what your saying, if you kno what I mean? you see what I’m saying? (in a black voice)

My friend works at the quaker corssing regal and one of his coworkers had to ask a bunch of African Americans to quiet down, one of which was on a cellphone. They became irate complained to the manager and the regal employee had to apologize to them.

Movie theaters blow, over priced and you have to deal with annoying people no matter where you go.

You sit exactly where I sit, when I went to movie theaters. Best place for two reasons. # 1: No one can kick the back of your seat of there’s no seats behind you (my biggest most ginormous pet peave of going to a theater). # 2: Being in the middle last row gives you a high position and a good field of fire when you decide to go Die Hard on their ignorant, impolite asses. Last time some early teen kid repeatedly kicked my sit I turned around and gave them the “keep it up and I’ll bury both your asses in a shallow grave behind the theater” look and I didn’t have to say anything. I heard his mom say something and I don’t even recall hearing them breath the rest of the evening. He even chewed his popcorn in silence.

Your experience is exactly the reason I don’t hardly ever to go a show anymore, besides the $ 9.00 boxes of Milk Duds. No one has any courtesy anymore and if you say something, you’ll either get the response your looking for or someone is going to the hospital. I think the flashlight guys should be given neon paintball guns and be able to cap off a few rounds into anyone they suspect might be talking. I don’t think you wouldn’t even hear someone yell “fire” if the screen burst into flame. I just to pay per view or rent DVD’s. Sad to see a fun thing to do go to shit. Agree with many of the above posts.

go dig up my thread on black people at the movies

long story short, the stereotype is a reality type, and i got my refund

---------- Post added at 07:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------


I ask politely for them to stop…
If it doesn’t work I talk to an employee.

i had people escorted out cause they were to loud. just go to management.

Headbutts work wonders.

cool it Mr. UFC

Ninjas being ninjas

Fucking Presidents. I usually go to a tuesday or wednesday night showing to AMC on maple. Few people go and the place is usually silent.

Well, first off I would get myself out of denial mode and admit that I am racist (It’s OK bud, most people are. Those that are not are either in denial like you are or have a very high tolerance as to what racism is).

Anybody that says that is a freakin racist. Get over it people.

How do you deal with it? You have to use basic math and law of probability. Ask yourself, am I in a white neighborhood or black? Take out your phone and google the percentage of blacks in that area. Make sure to have at least <10% black. Basically any other race will be OK besides the Africans, so be sure to not look up the minority population but instead the actual percentage of blacks in that neighborhood.
Also ask yourself, where is the closest black neighborhood? And is there a closer theater for them to go to? With todays welfare system, even black families can afford to travel.

If given the option, choose the more expensive theater for obvious reasons. A few extra bucks might be well worth it.

If you still find yourself stuck next to said people (the worst is when they are behind you), go to the bathroom and tell the staff out there. Africans are vengeful creatures and will risk being arrested in order to get back at you.

God damn. You racist, dawg.

And on that note :lockd:
