Dow cracks 14000!


eh… sometimes yes, sometimes no.

alot of times, especially in the summer, I see the schmucks landscaping outside and I get somewhat envious.

Working in an office has it’s upsides, but it also has alot of downsides. One of my biggest pet-peeves about working in an office, opposed to working with my hands is lack of activity/exercise throughout the day.

honestly, back when I used to do manual labor, you’d get done with a long day of working your ass off… get a shower and your ready to go out and have a few beers.

with working in an office for the past 7 years, when I get out of work… I’m usually beat and ready for bed/drained of energy.

I wish CAD was more physical :stuck_out_tongue:


I totally agree.

I will sit at my desk, and watch the janitor dude come around and vaccume the floors, and wash windows, and I wish I were him for that moment in time.