Dow cracks 14000!

JAYS I assure you I’m not complaining…all the retailers near the border are benefitting from this.

Nationally…the economy is doing very well. National unemployment is very low, the stock market is very high. People are spending alot of money…this is a good thing. Unfortunatly it is happening under a different party then they want it to so the media spins it to be an awfull thing, trying to scare people into not investing and hoping for something bad to happen so when another Dem is in office they can come out and save us from our own stupidity. Ny is doing shitty, but the national economy is doing good. Not that hard to understand.

:tup: whatever JEG says

lol…so I sense sarcasm?

Eh if you guys are really worried about job security become a plumber or an electrician. People need electricity and everybody has to shit lol.


Eh if you guys are really worried about job security become a plumber or an electrician. People need electricity and everybody has to shit lol.


No offense, I’d rather take a chance at making real money, and having a fufilling career. Even if I fall flat on my face, it would still be more worthwhile than some lame trade job, doing the same shit my whole life…

lol…you do realize that these “lame trade jobs” are in very high demand and pay pretty well once you are experienced. :bloated:



Looks like a pretty damn secure job to me :gotme:


lol…you do realize that these “lame trade jobs” are in very high demand and pay pretty well once you are experienced. :bloated:



Looks like a pretty damn secure job to me :gotme:


Plumbers - The middle 50 percent earned between $11.05 and $18.69.

Electricians - The middle 50 percent earned between $15.43 and $26.90.

Unless I am missing something… yawn.

Im not even out of school and making more than most plumbers…

edit: In cost estimating my buildings, I have become very familiar with what these guys make. And while its respectable for a trade job, its nothing thats going to make you wealthy…

yes but take into consideration that the “middle” are the ones that are in the service indusrty such as maintenence facilities and such. Also, many plumbers are in unions, and have not yet reached the master status. Once you reach this level, you can easily make over $35 an hr. which is a decent wage.


yes but take into consideration that the “middle” are the ones that are in the service indusrty such as maintenence facilities and such. Also, many plumbers are in unions, and have not yet reached the master status. Once you reach this level, you can easily make over $35 an hr. which is a decent wage.


Yeah, I guess. Isnt $35/hr only like $70k/yr though? Thats still a good wage, dont get me wrong, but its nothing special.

Compared to non-skilled jobs, those trade jobs are great. But compared to (most) white collar jobs which require a degree, they kinda suck.

$25 an hour dealing with clogged shitty drains < $25 an hour in an air-conditioned office


$25 an hour dealing with clogged shitty drains < $25 an hour in an air-conditioned office


I was going to make that argument but some people prefer working with their hands. :beatsme:

I am the kind of person that has to be out doing something when I work. I can’t stand just sitting around in the same place all day. granted I go online when I’m bored…but if I had to sit at a computer all day I’d go insane. I work in the Plumbing department at Darien Lake. Sometimes I have to get some poppies on me…but oh well. It washes off. 90% of the time I am fixing broken water pipes and such. I enjoy working with my hands quite a bit. But that’s me. My biggest point about plumbers and electricians is that there will always be work for them. It is a very high demand industry and yes, when you start the pay sucks, but when you get good at it you have the potential to make very good money, especially if you are in the union. I know starting pay for a journeyman right now is like $20 an hr, and you can advance to over $45 an hr if you’re good and know what you’re doing. A lot of the job is problem salving and trouble shooting. Once you are good at it, like any job, you make a very good living that is very secure.

I have been waiting for this correction for a few years now, oh were so due.

EDIT_ nevermind. lol


its nothing thats going to make you wealthy…



“If you’re a professional in most fields, trying to make between 50 and 150k, the economy sucks.”

Get used to it, the middle class is shrinking.

Everyone has made good points but, the economy is like a million piece, double sided jig saw puzzle so unless someone is going to type a few hundred pages we really can’t even grasp it on here.

BTW the national economy isn’t doing so good. Recently, inflation is looking a bit high and people are spending but not spending in a healthy way. They are spending most of their money just to buy necessities. The energy crisis putting pressure on mostly all consumer goods and savings rates are at all time lows. :tdown:


$25 an hour dealing with clogged shitty drains < $25 an hour in an air-conditioned office


eh… sometimes yes, sometimes no.

alot of times, especially in the summer, I see the schmucks landscaping outside and I get somewhat envious.

Working in an office has it’s upsides, but it also has alot of downsides. One of my biggest pet-peeves about working in an office, opposed to working with my hands is lack of activity/exercise throughout the day.

honestly, back when I used to do manual labor, you’d get done with a long day of working your ass off… get a shower and your ready to go out and have a few beers.

with working in an office for the past 7 years, when I get out of work… I’m usually beat and ready for bed/drained of energy.

I wish CAD was more physical :stuck_out_tongue:

Very true… however, unless you own the company, landscaping is not much of a life / career goal. Even then…


Very true… however, unless you own the company, landscaping is not much of a life / career goal. Even then…


no shit… wish it payed 200K a year :stuck_out_tongue: lol