Downtown Lunch

Chris’ > *

IT for the Sabres? Sounds like a killer job. Hows the pay?

I’m out in Batavia today but I’ll be at my office downtown for the rest of the week if anyone wants to meet up.

It’s a great job as long as Rob Ray’s computer ALWAYS works. Otherwise…

i like this one

How do I not remember that?! That is awesome!

Hmm depending on what time. I start @ 115, so my lunch technically isn’t until 530 everyday.

I passed the “Johnny C’s New Yawk Deli” everyday on my way to work, and wanted to try it but it is now closed.

Maura’s is a good sandwhich shop on Court St., Gino & Joes Pizza in Main Place is good (hit that up a couple times a week), and there is a $5 all you can eat Chinese Buffet a little further up Main. Then of course there is also the food court in the Main place mall for variety. All within walking distance, or train if you are feeling lazy.

i woudl be down…i am near church street in the Water Front Village where Adelphia/TW is…butch is close too

Well the company I work for took over everything for the Sabres and im the on site person…I do ok…


I’d be in, i’m in the ellicott sq building. Washington pub across the street has good eats for a reasonable price

Where do you work? Is in on La Riviere Dr.?

You can park off the street if you go to chris’ deli. That’s where we should meet, I don’t want to drive anywhere.

I’m pretty much downtown and would be down for lunch whenever.

I have a serious problem with x-cel produce on elmwood though. I’ve had some amazing sandwiches there, but the last time I went I saw the guy make mine. His rubber gloves had the fingertips torn wide open from over use, and there was a bloody gauze bandage on the tip of his thumb touching the bread on my sandwich. I was holding back gagging. Not that it really mattered at this point, but he also wore the gloves while cashing me out. He was polite so I just took the sandwich and threw it out when I got back to the office. barf barf barfff

I would have either

A) Said mmm that sandwich looks great, now can you do it again with gloves that are protecting me from the hazards of your open wound. or
B) Given said sandwich to co-worked because you weren’t hungry.

Either would have worked!

lol I thought about giving it away. I guess I was feeling nice that day and just tossed it.


'cuz I’m downtown alot…
and I like to eat…
and I can probably write it off.

I don’t care where.

hmmm sometime this week?

Wednesday? Break up the week?

Yea sounds good im sure we can drag some more people out