Dragonball Z Evolution Trailer


Some how I don’t see this being that good of a movie.

what a joke

saw the trailer already… its fucking retarded

its a kids movie. it will be decent though.

looks gay as fuck

ehh kids or not. its dumb… im so glade when bleach movies come out they stay with the anime carton at least.

whoa, its like a sci-fi channel movie that happens to have dragon balls in it…

Yeah I used to be realy into DBZ when I was a kid…this has like nothing to do with the story at all. Lame. :tdown:. What a disapointment.

Don’t lie you know you still love it.

There were three DBZ animated films already. this is an American production company trying to make bank on an anime that was popular like ten years ago.

I used to watch it when it was on cartoon network, then my friend bought the DVDs… and by the time I was through the third saga I wanted to kill myself. I hadnt realised how much they dragged in till I watched them consecutivly.

Whoa wait a minute. Goku is white?! Allways thought he was some kind of Japanese fellar.

i dont watch DBZ. i couldnt get into it just like naruto… couldnt get into that either.

bleach is comming out with its 3rd very soon already.