Dream gas pump..


No ‘gains’ on E100 (it’s really E98) over E85 other than consistency, but still…


Wheres this at?

OKC area

That is awesome. Wish someone would do that here.

It was pretty cool how it got set up-the owner of the station is a car guy, and he asked his customers what they wanted. Done! Not that big of a deal to do really, all things considered.

He should sell the top end lube that the users of the E100 need along with each fillup.

Just needs diesel to be perfect

Albany speed should sink some tanks and get into this. Or even just get some old tankers and hook up to pumps.

No, a dream pump would have 93, CN40, and E85 for those that use it and that’s it. All other grade pump fuels are a waste of production IMO.

I was going to say 93, JP8 and E85.

And to think I was all excited when I saw a purple pump at the Malta Sunoco for Race gas…

Dream gas pump for me would be any pump from 10 years ago where most of them are selling $1.35/gallon. :rofl

:lol Truth!

This, minus the e85 and e100 instead, so the user could mix there own blend. The gasoline portion of pump e85 is lower than 87 octane.

The same goes for E10. The ethanol is used to oxygenate the fuel, thereby increasing its knock resistance and reducing hydrocarbons. MTBE was the primary additive before that, but it was banned in several states due to ground water contamination concerns.

isnt JP8 jet fuel?

yes, a different mix of jp4. really good for big power diesels, but doesn’t work well in very cold conditions(eidt, shoudl say doesn’t help with starting in cold wether.)

are you under the influence?

We used JP8 in all military vehicles in Iraq. Good stuff!

those duece’s will run on pretty much anything combustible, wont they?

Add Bio-Diesel and perfect!