I’m down for Sept 15th. (sept 8 is FD in NJ)
Nominal Cover charge would be a good idea too!
can we do afternoon to sunset to avoid the cost of running the lights?
I’m down for Sept 15th. (sept 8 is FD in NJ)
Nominal Cover charge would be a good idea too!
can we do afternoon to sunset to avoid the cost of running the lights?
cant believe there isnt any pictures the one time i was actually doing good on the oval and no one will believe me when i tell them
lol welcometo the club…the first event ever held i tried some oval …i was doing ok i got a few good entrance drifts and actally held them .to my suprize i dunno for some reason i am always worried about the car on the oval becasue of the speeds and walls being so close the last thing i wanna do is wreck the car so i dont really try it anymore i more judt drive it like a nascar oval haha…maybe once i have a “drifting only” 240 to drift with but for now…not worth risking the car lol
so when is this going to happen? i’m going insane. too much rage. i need to drift.
‘rage’ is SO last year…
osad shuddup and start drifting… maybe i should give you some lessons
dan you homo your so last year you poser
Any news on a date for it?