May 7 Cancelled, May 14 Confirmed, Drift Practice, CHEAP!

Saturday, May 14th
Drift Practice Day at Shannonville Raceway
Nelson Configuration
5:30 - 8:30pm

20 DRIVER CAP SO EVERYONE GETS LOTS OF RUNS. SAFE & LAID BACK ATMOSPHERE, ABSOLUTELY FUN EVENT! Leave all egos and attitude at home. Bring along your skills and spare tires!

Rally, Solo I, Solo II, Drag, Dirt, Stock Car… whatever it is, bring it!

Guaranteed Maximum Seattime and FUN! Nobody can beat $65 for this much fun at the track. Beginners welcome, instruction available.

$65 Before May 1st. $75 after if spots available. Will confirm pick up times and locations on this forum, or via email. Look for Paypal account soon!

Tech Inspection starts at 3PM (early CheckIn recommended)
Driver’s Meeting at 5:00PM

Register by emailing

Please support Drifting in Ontario! Drive safe!

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i should know by saturday or sunday if i can make it, now that i have my new job at a local racetrack :wink: i might be busy most saturdays…

but i will get free laptime at toronto motorsports park :lol:

Jesse, you gotta come! Call in sick! You will be stuck looking at hot-rods and wanna be racers when in your mind you KNOW you can be drifting! :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you saying drift your dragster, or there will be Solo and drag etc. races?


Theo… obviously, it’d be dumb to bring a car that’s not properly equipped to do the job. :wink: I’ve heard enough musclecar drag guys saying drifting is childsplay, so I say “BRING IT”. Got a 3 wheeler that can drift you say? “BRING IT”… got a Chevette with a V8 and can drift better than my Corolla? “BRING IT”.

There’s nothing but DRIFTING and for those that can’t drift, grip.

Oh it’s already been BEROUGHTEN!

Any plans to move these drift events a little closer to home?

Gonad, glad you can come!

The whole thing is, if we can guarantee that more people are interested in participating in drift events, the easier it’ll be to rent the venues that are closer to us. Think of May 14 as the pilot to the possible series…

I want events at Toronto Motorsports Park, Dunnville etc as well… we’ll see.

What exactly are you gonna be looking for at the tech inspection?

Im not 100% decided yet Jover. I doubt I will be anywhere near ready
by that time. I’m not ready for any drift events early in the season.

But we’ll see…

well chris might be getting the position of track manager at toronto motorsports park so im sure some arrangements could be made buddy :lol:

who the hell else is going to this??

wtf mates.

I shall be there, though not with rx-7.

If my car doesn’t have any unforeseen problems, and Avery stops being a slacker I’ll be there.

What about those of us who want to be spectators? Are we welcome? (along with our car-enthusiast friends?) Cost as spectator? Can I bring my racebike? :twisted:

Will helmet been needed?
Is it just skid pad or track time also?

What if i suck? :?

Its only the track and you dont ened ah elmet but its reccomended,

if you suck i’ll teach you. Its been a while since i’ve slid a lex around :wink:

too far away from home , after arrive there ,

the gas already gone a half, if the price can turn down…

a little bit will be good

its friggin $65 which is the cheapest around…

How many ppl so far?

I’ll probably be there but I don’t have a helmet and/or 2 full size spare tires… sooo will I be able to participate? If so then I probably won’t be going around for long (save my tires campaign! 8) )