Drift Free Fridays: May 25th Kawartha Speedway

Well… I made it, didn’t get to drift, but I made it. It was cool to check it out though. My grand adventure through the vast tracts of Southern Ontario was just fantastic. Maybe I’ll post it up later if people care to hear.

A word of caution though, NEVER USE GOOGLE MAPS FOR DIRECTIONS! You’re better off asking a blind hobo in Peru how to get to the CN Tower.

MAD PROPS to Spo-Com, BirdDog, Shift Marketing & Kawartha Downs!
3 hours of FREE drift action!

Great Event! Lots of New Faces!
Good job to all the rookies for improving quickly on the donuts and figure 8’s!
Props to all the crazy drifters carving up the oval!
Kudos to Wayne for showing that you can carve up the banks with a KA and some big metal balls!

And to whoever has my 1/2 torque wrench… I want it back, Now!

I have to extend BIG PROPS :stuck_out_tongue: to all the coordinators of this event and everyone who organized it. It was lots of fun i had a blast :D. and i hope to see you all again next time :). and x-nobody thanks for forgeting my white with silver strippes KA 240 out of the oval carving comment! ;). Once again thanks every for this great event and i hope to do it again.

Yeah what a good event i loved the oval and figure 8 set ups were awsome definetly coming to the next one…with more sets of tires had a blast thanks for putting it on, met some people from cscs last year and got some tips had a blast! :slight_smile:

good oraganization no close calls or people being stupid.

whens the next one :smiley:

I see you guys got the pictures posted up, isthere anyway i can save them to my computer? it wont let me casue its flash or somthing

Driftryder, sorry didn’t see you on the oval; I was down in the parking lot area most of time, helping out the drivers.

If you were tossing the car sides at the top of 3rd gear on the big banks, then good job <clap> <clap>

If anybody saw or over heard anybody wishing they had a 240sx so they could drift please point them in my direction ahem ahem.

Anyone looking for pics!


Great Shots!
Thanks Dave,Peter & Blake!

We just uploaded a bunch more pics with ontrack antics of driftryder, enyaw and the red hatch. It takes guts to tackle the banks. As well as the some of the carnage:

  • blown tire on the FC
  • delamed tread on the Kouki
  • local hatch that exploded the bottom end…SR TIME!

Great turn out for the short notice over 30 cars some from as far away as K-W, Keswick and Sault St Marie WTF?

Next event is in June, turnout will be much bigger and we’ll have more track time as we will clear the main lot earlier.

See you next round.

Yeah a kid grenaded his KA…I told him it is SR swap time but maybe he wants a new car.

O man, I’m so mad, looked like an awesome time, i live in Peterborough and i still couldn’t even make it. Stupid gf, should of just ditched her! she kinda made up for it though :wink:
Are these going to be on a semi regular basis at different tracks? the whole schedule thing on the website doesn’t work, not sure if its just me.

awsome day! awsome pics!

Thanks guys!

Keep in touch.

And the guy from SSM will be coming to the next one too… Only this time I’m mounting a set of tires before I hit the highway so I can actually get on the track next time lol… And I’m using mapquest.

Great turn out. It was definitely worth the drive. i hope more and more peeps come out and play or just to hang out. u gotta love the smell of blown motors and screaming snow tires… lol

hey , i couldnt find that gas pump. does that say 2.30 for 98? hella cheap!!!

see u next friday Dave!!!

whats the latest someone can come/get inspection to go on the track? i got work till 7pm and don’t want to watch

<----- red s13 fb revived from the dead!!

really fun setups
can’t wait for the next one

I showed up at 10:30 and got teched in, but it all depends on how many people show up, and how busy they are. Didn’t make it on to the track because I came OH so prepared, but I was still teched for it lol…

Is there going to be this event on this friday again ? i got more people wanting to come lol

^ i dont think its every friday…

It’s not, 2G-Money said they’ve got another 3 or 4 lined up I think.