Drift Free Fridays: May 25th Kawartha Speedway

Oh, another quick question, what’s the digs on people showing up after the 7:30 tech? Can we still get on? I doubt I’ll be in the area in time if that’s not the case.

is it just that oval track cuz i dont wanna hit a wall takin my car out 4 the frist time

oval and infield i think, if ur afraid to smack your car up, i probably wouldnt go that hard out first time

Late tech-in depends on response. If we get like 10-15 cars well then yeah bring it on. If we get lots more we’ll have to draw the line somewhere. But either way, there is an Auto X pylon course and then there also will be a figure 8 set up for those wishing to practice donuts and transitions in 8s.

I’ll bend the guidelines as much as possible so everyone gets runs.

Sounds good. I may just check it out when I roll in. Hopefully I can get there before too late.

Someone else asked it, but I didn’t see an answer, what’re the rules regarding helmets, and what will be checked during the tech-in? I just want to make sure all my ducks are in a row before I head down.

if i have a cracked front window will i pass tech? also my battery support isnt there but ima bungiee it in tonite ithink. i just dont want to drive out there to be denied for having a crack in my window, its one single crack for about 4inchis and then branches into a fork that comes just up about a few mm above my HUD but in the middle of the window

So couple more bytes of info:

  • site is live, still needs some work but its live. www.driftfreefridays.com

  • helmets are mandatory on track, SNELL 95 preferred but a decent helmet full or open will be accepted.

  • there is race gas at the track 104 unleaded 110 leaded up until 8pm confirmed

  • Closest Sunoco is in Peterborough at 1119 Water Street, there is one on the way in Oshawa at 925 Simcoes Street S.

  • there are tire changing facilities at the track, up until 8 pm confirmed, $10 per tire. Hopefully we can pursuede them to stay if the business is there for them.

  • Alex Lee AKA “X-Nobody” will be helping arranging some of the track setup, since he is a seasoned guy, we know it will be fun and challenging.

  • Tech-in is at 6:30-7:30. now we hear some people have to work and battle traffic, yes some are coming from as far Kitchener! So track an official down and we can get you to tech-in later.

  • Japanese Imports.ca is also bringing JDM cars for testing also for sale!

  • Noise curfew is in effect, so hopefully cars coming aren’t too loud, leave your pipes connected or the cat in if you were considering taking it out. It should be quieter than a regular race night, so it may get extended even later if things go well.

  • We are estimating each participant will have over 25 runs if night goes smooth and number of particpants is accurate.

  • We will have a figure-8 and donut area setup for warm-ups

  • Tandem will be limited to those drivers displaying utmost control and respect for the track. Scheduled later on during event.

me and my friend are coming now …should be awsome :smiley: first track time this year for me and him …ever so should be a sweet night

so it is just the oval ? …i dunno how much …“drifting” ill be doing on oval with a wall so close…hmm

nvm read all the detals now…sounds pretty sick auto x i cant wait

how is it being organised like…say the figure 8 …and transsition practice… there wont be other cas flying around able to smack into each other right?

The format will be spread out no danger, we have almost the whole facility.

The team trailers will be cleared out by 8 from the Test and Tune. We plan on running two figure 8s in the lot, the oval itself is very wide on the back straight. Wide enough to put in a few transitions for some manji and then J-turn it back to the exit.

If you can drift the oval you are a superstar (DM guys did it), for most it will be for kicks and get some speed built up.

I’m getting pressure to take the Skyline out without the ATTESA fuse so come on down and watch me wreck it.

Heh, I’m coming from as far as Sault Ste. Marie. :wink: Still not sure if I’m leaving here tomorrow or not though, so I may not make it out. Thanks for all the details though.

Ahh dude if you make it from The Soo I will personally set you up with some free goodies for coming out.

Oh and as for free schwag and prizes I will be getting more as time goes on.

k fuck i think imma take the day off work or half day

sounds like a sick venue, i cant make it on the 25 but if the response is good consider me there

^^^Dang, your name popped up when I was discussing tandem with Alex and Wayne last night.

Yeah the short notice was a challenge. Although I have been working with them for months, they just signed. It will be very busy based on the feedback.

We may have to put in some plans to deal with the traffic for Round #2 which is in June.

Let’s go guys!

We need to make this BIG! This is the time to prove to everyone that Ontario is ready for the drift scene! It’s not everyday that you get a free drift session! AND this is the closest track we’ve ever been to! (for T.O. guys anyways)

Even if you have no car or your car’s not ready to drift, come out anyways and meet some faces, get some rides. There’s lots to do here! 24hr bar and casino FTMFW!

Thanks to Dave for putting this all together!

Whats going to happen if its raining tonight?

Heh, see ya at 7:30 :wink: Leaving SSM in 45 minutes.

… Who cares if it rains? Just means you won’t go through tires as quick :wink:

i was just wondering…yeah rain is better for lower powered cars haha witch is a good thing ! its just supposedto rain tonight so i was wondering if it was still going on thats all

Yeah it goes on regardless but its not going to rain this evening. I checked Weather network for Peterborough.

This evening is variable cloudiness, no rain 19C so it will be fine.

Bring it!!!

Free Drifting! I don’t believe it! A little more advanced notice next time and I will be there Fo’ Sho. To everyone going, tear it up.