drift free weekend videeeeeooohhhh

i only spent 2hrs on this so don’t be so critical.

next one will be better, don’t you worry.


the cars:

purple s14 with stock LEs- me
black s14 with nismo rims and nismo spoiler- jon
greenish s14 with work rims- justin
red s14 with white hood- jacky
black s13- anthony

so most of thoes cars where stock engine work? if so im greatly impressed. Nice video.

the purple with LE rims and the green s14 are stock motors

black s13 is also stock with no power steering.

nice vid samson and good camera work allan! thanks for the vid :slight_smile:

no footage of your tandem with jon??
man i understeer like there is no tomorrow
thanks for the vid SAMson



thanks guys.

next time ill put more effort. too tired from work.

and no, no one got vids of us tandeming for some reason.

even tho the tandem was literally 20min non-stopppppppp

next time…next time.

justin, join us next time. i’m serrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrious lol

3 man tandemmmmmm

show them koreans can drift too

Nice Video Samson!

Pimp vid Samson, very nice camera work. I miss that day unfortunately.
get it on the floor, get it on the floor…arf arf

good video man i like it.
i still dont have a good editing prograb :frowning: so i can get the video of you all i got.
anways looks good and makes me want to do it again so icantwait till next time

credit goes to my boy allan aka fluid for filming.

also other people that took over here and there

grace and amy…etc etc

i just put the pieces together and edited it, ill make a better one at another event.

that is nice video :slight_smile: with nice music… WHAATTTTTTTTT