Drift Ops Teaser Pics. :)

100% Unedited teaser pics.

I got some fun stuff today I think. It’s my second time shooting a drift day and was hoping for more variety. :slight_smile: Next time! I was getting bored waiting for cars to come by and it was the same ones everytime!!!

I’m putting a few teaser pics up.

*DO NOT STEAL MY IMAGES. Even though they are resized and on a public forum, I expect them to STAY on this forum. You can save them to your computer but if they are going ANYWHERE other than your HD, then you MUST CONTACT me prior to it. Ie, if you are putting them on Facebook, Flickr, Websites, Ads, ANYWHERE, then contact me for permission first. I do this for a living guys, so I hope you understand, if I don’t make money, or if other people make money off of me without my profiting, then I don’t get to eat and my children will starve and baby Jesus will cry. Then the earth will explode and you will die. I don’t really care if you just wanna throw em on facebook or your blogs or other forums or whatever, just LET ME KNOW AND CREDIT ME!

I have lots more and will be going through them and posting more up later for you guys. I may watermark them and put up a gallery with all the images later on.

Full Res are available upon request and we can work something out.

If you steal my images, chances are, I will find out and I will poo on your face.

Anyways, enough chatter, here you go!

Sick!! Those fisheye shots came out great.

EDIT: What camera / lens / aperture / shutter were you shooting at? lulz.

I’ll post up the edited versions later on. Right now I’m POOOOOOOOPPPPPPED. Edited ones will all have been exposure corrected and colour corrected and cropped if needed.

looks awesome

fuckin bastard oil pressure sensor!!! I wish i could have made it

who’s drivng the IAC car?

fccccukk wish i coulda made it


Hey ronnie416,

Sick shots man. There is a few of me, do you mind if i save em and put them on facebook. Ill throw a photo credit on the folder if youd like.

Let me know,
thanks for the shots!

I know u have some shots of the volvo:p Nice shots!

Remember what we spoke about :wink:

Yeah buddy, go for it. Just credit me with email address and name and go for it… :slight_smile: Appreciate it. Also, just tag it under comments and tag my name on there, add me:

just search for ronnie fung

Are planning on making another thread. Did you take more shots?

I have lots more shots, I’m going through them all and it time to do it. Those are unedited and I have about 400 pics from the day.

If you steal my images, chances are, I will find out and I will poo on your face.


sick photos.

cool man! did you use a fish eye for all of your photo’s?

shit i should had went. d’oh

any videos??

yeah. i got fiddy ans wayne in car.

No, I only posted quite a few fisheye ones as most people would rather see something different. Had my standard track lens mounted most of the day.