Drifter To The Max!

http://www.otbackup.net/files/AdriaBmwDriftCrash.mpg :lolham:


as soon as he stood up like that, i knew what was coming

theres a reason smart people only do that with motorcycles … motorcycles fall over!

damn, he had to be burnt up to hell, that hot exhaust with the wieght of a car on top of him = 3rd degree burns all over his body.

its not everyday you see someone get run over by there own car!!

vid was cool until he got run over - at least there were people around to pick the car up from on top of him


EDIT; I hope he does not breed.

look at that dooshbag smiling and walking towards the camera near the end… :bloated:

whoaaa, that guy is dumb

I hope he does not breed.

I agree, this guy needs to be wiped out of the gene pool asap

no doubt. that was just fucking stupid.

and what do you tell people when you’re at the bar having a beer and they ask you what happened. do you tell them that you ran yourself over with your bmw?

:bloated: that’s retarded. what was he thinking???
oh well looks like darwin is back from vacation

how isnt everyone cracking up here? that was possibly one of the funniest vids i have ever seen in my life

lmao how stupid, why!!!

lol thats hilarious

oh, im laughing. but that doesnt mean its not one of the dumbest things i have seen. its right up there with that mustang guy that was hitting himself on the head with a shovel.