BMW Drifting/AutoX Accident....

what an idiot points and laughs

not so much an accident as just plain stupidity and ignorance.

its not that stupid considering most of us have tried similar stunts, and i am sure the risk of that actually happening is quite small if you are paying attention, but holy crap is that scary.

imagine that happened to you?

i’d be scared as fukk when my pants got caught in the tire.

let that be a lesson to all… LOWER YOUR CAR ENOUGH SO IT CANT RUN OVER YOU!!!

All I can say is OWNED by his own car.

…But I do hope he was okay and I totally agree with Bing lower your car enough so it can’t run you over.

thats the sweetest thing ive ever seen

i hate fags who try and do gay stuff like that, its not even cool its so played out, like kids who copy jackass and cky.

what did he do set the cruise or somthing on the limiter?

hahahahah thats so amazing hahahahaha


ahhahahaha oh man that was fabulous

what an idiot… it’s like a scene from a slapstick comedy movie.

Hahaha who knows maybe he put a brick on the gas pedal.

Now if he could have hopped on top of his roof and done this…

Nice rev-limiter.
Good thing he had enough people to lift the car off him, probably got pretty burnt by the exhaust.

Let alone crushed…

burnt, crushed and probably a lot of skin ripped(twisted) off
the car did a 180 while he was supportign it
and what the hell is he gonna tell the hospital and insurance company.
" i ran myself over with my car" it sounds literally impossible
definate darwin awards contestant

It sux large but i can’t but to laugh a bit too,

anyways i hope he is okay!