have you done this yet?

+1 for the control arm, tossion bar, spindle :smiley: too bad it was a front for my exprience :smiley:

lol that was funny, merely a drift anyways

haha it hit and popped and looked so cool! now its got enough camber to be VIP? XD

hahahah never done that before, but I’ve seen a guy hit a curb straight on, launch 20 ft through the air and smash through a chain link fence, landing on the back of a parked flatbed with part of the trailer poking through the floor… Street drifting is bad.

ive spun 180 around corner and curbed but just a bump not that bad

lol yeah his wheel is fucked but it didnt look that bad, was funny how the car jumped up haha

cant say ive done that before

+1 for youtube. now the whole world can laugh at ppls misfortunes and stupidity :smiley:


or as the last comment was

ballin outta control

this one is really sad dou.

^ open diff fail.

ya^ cause its not an m3.

wonder if it was a bolt in cage… lol

bah haha dumb shit serves them right lol

lmfao!! I think daddys bimmer is an automatic, How did Jr manage to hit a truck with that much wide open space? omg omg lmao!

I did something pretty close, when I was 18. I was doing a reverse 180 in my VW on a tight two lane street after having a couple drinks and swung the front end right into the curb. I hit the curb pretty much exactly sideways. The car went up at a 45 and the rear right rim was fucked too.

I drove it home with the tires squeeking the whole way, good 3kms lol But thats the only time I’ve hit a curb.

that last video was funny. what a loser. i bet if he was driving a 240 he woulda drifted around the truck cuz 240s drift like butter! :slight_smile:

i realllly hope your joking. look closer.