Tearing up a parking lot


that might be one of the worst parking lot drift videos ever

just sayin


if your in a parking lot… isnt 50 pilons comes must??? -999999 for that video… it sucks…

cant wait for my toyota to be done jajajajajajajajajajajajaja

That was lame and so is your car.

were you trying to donut the pole at the end?

it wasnt a drift sesh I was just rippin donuts The car died and I ended up by the pole. It was just for fun and I had a blast doing it so thats all that matters. Also what is so lame about my car its a 240 with a sr20 and lots of other aftermarket parts. It works almost perfect other then a few electrical problems

those werent donuts at all because you cant even hold it

im sorry that you suck, deal with it

lol at hiring the camera man from cloverfield

i wish Michael J. Fox took video’s for me :frowning:

Alright… before I saw the vid I was gonna be like “Damn so much haterade on teh guy, chill out guys”

But… after seeing that… why would you post that on SON… That was just silly.

wow U guEnough ys are f"""ing retarded it was just some fun that was it. Enough said did my video say the biggest drift vid ever? NO it didnt!!! It said tearing up a parking lot and that is what I did as u can clearly see the 2 black lines I left all over it. So instead of being little bitch critics! Why dont u just show some respect for a car I built and drive the shit out of it on a daily basis. And I can almost guarantee u that each and every one of u little faggots has a vid like that when u 1st got ur car.

if you banked that pole it would of been +9999999

oh btw i do have my first pratice on my old phone somewhere… but it also includes me blowing the front tire and climing up the curb…

but then again tumbs up for the “Built not Bot”

Hold on a sec my vid didnt say drifting in it once So shut the fuck up. All it said was tearing up a lot. And Im pretty sure I did that. And I can almost guarantee u that each and everyone of u has a vid like that too from when u first got ur car so dont be a bunch of hypicritzers. Or maybe u douchebags need to ripp on other people just to make urselves feel good about ur shit cars and life!!!.

---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------

wow u are my hero

yes i am a douchebag and need to ripp on people with shitty video :smiley: and i feel good about my lexus im building… and i love my life with 3 tow trucks under me. :smiley:

cant flame me dogg :smiley:

I posted that before I seen what u wrote It was more towards the other haters.

why is there so much hate lol, all he did is just burn some rubber

Thats what Im saying. But this forum is just full of haters

nah… cause you missed the pole at the end… by stumping on your brake and stalling it… it clearly didnt just die on you lol god damn you made me watch this video twice fml fml fml lol

-super hater douche izzo-

come on you posted a video on last day of long weekend… what were you thinking lol lol lol

---------- Post added at 11:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------


somelike this would be amazing to post…

1st I get hate for my quarter mile times and now this. Time to get a life people. The sad part is I get more respect from guys with hotrods then what I get from other nissan owners. What is wrong with this picture.