drifting at LVD from my perspective 20+ images

sick! thanks man

tranny live through this one??!?!?! car looked good out there!

yes, but clutch didnt! :rofl dont lie it looks like shit, i still havent got around to painting it

^ Hey at least you got some panties wet :lol

i don’t think it’s even been together for an entire week, and you killed it again!?!?!?! lol.

the car may look like shit 8 different colors, but it sure looks good sideways!

in for pics of wet panties… anyone i know?

Clutch slave cylinder, was never good from the start.

thats alot different than a clutch!!! easy fix though!

Yeah nothing really, he’s getting a free one anyway haha. His clutch though is a good 6-puck. Should last him a long time.

the guy is from new hampshire.

Hi guys. I’m actually poor bastard that had his wheel spacer destroy itself. The spacer was made by Powered by Max and soo far I haven’t seen any other spacer fail like this. I’m trying to work with PBM to see if I can get some sort of compensation for this and hopefully this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

On a lighter note, good job on all the Pictures CFD. Do you have any more?

:edit: Dan over at PBM has agreed to make things right for me.

^ Rouge you see the vimeo video I put together? A guy on there knows Dan from PBM.

ill see … you did break pretty early on

Was that the one on D-Faction? Yeah I saw it. Can we take that down and edit it?

Dan at PBM has agreed to make things right with me and I don’t want to have the somewhat bitter video out there defaming the company.

Just took it down.

Cool man. Thanks!

dave shoemaker

Sick. Makes me want to take the lemons car out, but I’m afraid it would make the spacer mishap look like a walk in the park :’(

This thing makes my pants feel tight.

if you heard it you would want to punch babies (no pun intended :lol) it sounded hideously annoying