Drifto Meet #i forgot. 10/10 8pm

Same spot to start as last 5 years. Eastern Hills Mall. Meet in the back.
8pm then we will hit some spots

ill be in the mazda :wink:

possibly in with the TBSS

what kinda mazda? :slight_smile:

  1. with snows. womans car. its an animal

dooo it! my tbss was a riot in the snow in Colorado.

I don’t think the venza is up for it but if anyone is looking for a passenger…

You drive a Venza now?

Is your goal in life to own every make and model car?


I was planning some south towns drifto after like 9 maybe 10ish

nitroinsane, I am 100% in now. Your welcome to ride along with me, if you want.

id go lol, depending if i have class tomorrow or not… dont think i will

anyone going to have a camera?

It’s a rental

$5 says nitroinsane crashes his car…

Too late, he already did.

hit me up on cell. 799 2091

we’ll swing up that way also.

Nitro is not drifting the rental. I have enough legal problems and I would probably end up giving you 5 dollars lol

Id be up for this…

but i dont wanna beat on my new truck.

Im getting old :frowning:

Edit: maybe i should buy an old s10 too beat the piss out of again :stuck_out_tongue:

Beat on your truck? As long as you don’t run into things like you did with your S-10, this is far from beating on it.

On my way now.

I only stayed for a few minutes but had a good time. Standing in that empty parking lot, the wind was BRUTAL!

The parking lot was ice/dry/ice/dry so I didn’t feel like breaking anything either since I was bouncing all over. Had some fun with you guys for a solid 10 minutes at least :tup:

We will have to do this again when its not as windy, so there is a good coat of snow :slight_smile: The wind just cleans the pavement off…

Are the roads even drivable down there? Watching the news they make it look like nobody can move… and that “cars line the roads abandoned everywhere you look! Semi trucks can’t make turns and block off entire streets! It’s horrible! Don’t go out if you don’t have to!”