DriftOps X CoolKidsClub Halloween Finale! Oct. 27


Free BBQ lunch for all drivers! $5 for all others.

Menu includes:
Hamburger or Hot Dog
Water or Soft Drink
Chips and chocolate

Here we go again with our annual Halloween Finale!
One last chance to finish off some old tires before winter.

This year we will be doing Full Track all day long!

When: Saturday, October 27, 2012
Time: 9am to 5pm
Where: Shannonville, Long Track (Yes that’s right, FULL TRACK!)
What: Drifting and Lapping
Cost: $120 prepaid before Oct. 12, $150 after
*Helmets are mandatory!

Of course, we will have a tire changer onsite.

Let’s go out with a bang!

To register, please contact me via facebook or email:

Hope to see you all there!


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Adam K.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!
  10. Alex D.
  11. Ken G.
  12. John G.
  13. Adrian L.
  14. Dru
  15. Johnathan P.
  16. Dylan S.
  17. Brent S.
  18. Giulio P.


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Jason S.
  3. Dylan S.
  4. Byron
  5. Michael N.
  6. Will M.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Tim A.
  9. Marin G.
  10. Mats B.

oh helllll yeah, 100% there!

omg this one I MIGHT be able to make. let’s hope I can get it together by then! woo driftops!


if someone helps me fix my car ill be rhereee


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.

working on getting more tires, I should be in!

Prepay deadline is tomorrow! If you’re coming, please contact me asap!


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.
  3. Dylan S.


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.

Keep them coming! (I am still accepting $120 for prepays)


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!
  10. Alex D.


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.
  3. Dylan S.

got some r comps for when i run out of tires. :slight_smile:

FULL Track… FULL day… This is a deal for multiple reasons.

Roll call those who have drifted FULL track shannonville!

If you have, you know how much fun this is…

IF you havent… well get learning!

Better Late than never! Share with your friends!



  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!
  10. Alex D.
  11. Ken G.
  12. John G.
  13. Adrian L.
  14. Dru


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.
  3. Dylan S.

Cannot fuckin wait. I haven’t been on track in more than 2 months. Got some drift tires, got some r comps, have a shit load of fuel. Let the good times roll!

Looks like another epic day unfolding!

Please contact me if you want to be a part of it!


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!
  10. Alex D.
  11. Ken G.
  12. John G.
  13. Adrian L.
  14. Dru


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.
  3. Dylan S.
  4. Byron
  5. Michael N.

I’m prob going to pay day of


  1. Jon A.
  2. Frosty
  3. Will
  4. Paul
  5. Brian P.
  6. Emir H.
  7. Matt M.
  8. Mike M.
  9. Riley!
  10. Alex D.
  11. Ken G.
  12. John G.
  13. Adrian L.
  14. Dru
  15. Johnathan P.


  1. Harmit S.
  2. Brent S.
  3. Dylan S.
  4. Byron
  5. Michael N.
  6. Will M.
  7. Adam K.