DriftOps X CoolKidsClub Halloween Finale! Oct. 27

possibly this…

Brian, Lucas and Devo were there for fckthatnoise.com Check out their site, they already have some coverage up!

lol at 1:46 i decided to go off roading. ahah

That was cool. lol

Holly f**k what a great day. I have some great footage to go through…including two sweet angles from my little fender bender on my opening run with the white pick up…in slow mo you can see my hood and fenders just buckle…haha. The pickup took it like a champ! Thanks to everyone who was involved for making the day happen, photographers too!!

if anyone got anything on the white s13 silvia coupe that was bumperless, black wing, sucked at drifting, on 7 spokes all day let me know! lol

cadence, ARE YOU WIL MAK?

yes, yes I am lol


good times that day

lol that was awesome, very nice boyZ!

anyone have pics of the miata’s that were there