Oh I remember what happened in pic 3. The RX spun out and ended up in the mud puddle. Dennis (grey Skyline) spun to avoid hitting and both the S14.5 and I hit the brakes hard to avoid hitting Dennis. It was a little hectic but all was cool.
Dennis even pulled the RX out of the mud with his Skyline using a tow rope. It’s great to see us all being there for each other when help is needed. Kinda like when I had to give (I believe it was Overboost) one of my coat hangers to hold up his exhaust in the pits. Sounds funny but it worked out just fine.
i finally finished the video!!! just waiting for youtube to process it!
be patient everyone, it took me my whole afternoon to do. hope you guys like it.
oh btw, thanks bruce! but it fell off again right when the session ended. then it fell off again on the highway. it was a mission to get back i tell you. but thanks a lot for the helping hand!!!
the video is now…UP!!! Brought to you by Overb0ost (Samson) and his friend Tim.
alright boys and girls, this was my FIRST track event with my car that i’ve been driving for 6months, and i finally got to go to an event which was on sunday! Hosted by Driftstar!
The cars that looked similar were:
Black Kouki s14 with mesh rims in front, and 5 spokes in the back (THEO, placed 1st!!)
Black Zenki s14 with black steels in the back (CHRIS, placed 3rd)
Purple Zenki s14 with 5 spokes all around . The right headlight was the only one working. <--------Me (SAMSON)
hope you guys enjoy it. give me some feedback please. it was also the first time the person video taping any sort of racing so the angles weren’t the best and he only stayed in 1 place. wasn’t allowed to roam around on the track. this is also MY first time ever editing a film…EVERRRR which i also had the help from the camera guy, so don’t expect too much. Sit back and enjoy the film! thanks a lot to everyone who participated!
PS: jover, can you change the title of the post so ppl now know the video is up? thanks man!!!
PPS: sorry if you weren’t in the video or didn’t get much time. my friend was only at certain spots and probably missed most of the slides. but, if you slide, it would be in there. i didn’t edit anyone out or so. sorry if it felt that way =P. If anyone wants the raw footage pm me. I have the last 20-30min of it which is around 200megs (got really compressed because the first 1/2 took 11gigs) and i apologize if i didn’t add any grip footage, i felt that it was a drift event so i just showed the drifting footage)
sorry vlad and chris, i didnt get much footage of you guys but you guys were CERTAINLY ripping that track up!!! Chris sat out for a good 30min thinking that the competition was going to be announced more formally =P
Awsome vid , well done. I think the best parts is when my tire blows and the sparks you can see just before it hapens, I am so glad you got that on vid.
thanks guys. canadiandrifter240sx, i’m surprised you didn’t get 3rd place. in my video, you had some SICK slides.
video aint the best imo because i need more variety of cars. most of the ppl were gripping so i didn’t add them. but it was quite evident that the s14s definetly showed things up!!!
go theo, way to represent for all of us!
the people i wished i got video of are: vlad, chris (cloudzero) and the guy in the 350z. they definetly had some serious slides goin on. lets see some more videos!!!
lol dude me and avery were behind you and i saw a piece of your tire land like 100 ft away from the track, i almost crashed cause i was looking at it it was insane it went so far!!
OWNED!!! you put my gay speaking japanese in the vid. LMAO… WOOT BLACK GUY THAT SPEAKS JAPANESE!!! :lol: “I WANNA DRIFT!!” good place to end me off… lol. i will be driving in the next event hopefully. show some team knight-shift skills, which i dont have :?
VLAD is teh POONAGE!!! lol i kept screaming for him when ever he passed.
lol i base it on me just watching him pass. not saying he is the only good one. Theo and yes you chris are teh poonage too. haha, i was just saying vlad because i kept yelling at him. lol.
man i wish my cam didnt mess up i woudl have had footage to add to that vid… :x
that’s true. while i was driving lucid’s car they were taking pix and filming while i passed. dont think i didnt anythign impressive to make ranks of being put up though. oh well just need to get my car up for the next track event.